12-13-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes December 13, 2011 Present: Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Denise Andrusl<o John Hinnenkamp, Shawn Watson, Jessica Stockamp, Police Officer: Officer Pete Walker, Sgt Brian Johnson Meeting called to order at: 6:35 p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES from: November meeting- Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit) /Law Enforcement Update: Mostly quiet. Very little Police/emergency calls. Nothing noteworthy to report. OLD BUISNESS: The Police Commission discussed the McGruff House Program at length. We went over the safety protocols and the number of Mc Gruff House's in Otsego and after reviewing this information the police commission voted to discontinue the McGruff program. The city will send out a letter to notify the current participant that the program is going to be discontinued and to turn in their Mc Gruff signs. We also discussed with Sgt Brian Johnson about neighborhood watch programs. We are hoping to replace the McGruff program with a neighborhood watch program. Sgt Brian Johnson is the contact person for Wright County 763-6824162 if any resident of Otsego is interested in starting up a Neighbor Watch please contact him. NEW BUSINESS: Interviewed Police Commission Candidates: Meghan Anderson, Rob VanDenBerg . The Police Commission has approved Meghan and Rob (Alternate) as new members. New Commission assignments for 2012: Chair: Joel Torkelson, Co -Chair: Jason Warehime, Secretary: Dana VanDenBerg. Calendar of Events: Otsego View Submission Dates —Summer (May 6th), Fall (July 22), Winter (October 7) City Council Meeting Updates: • November 28, 2011- nothing to report • December 12, 2011—Snowmobile club updated the city council on the new signs they would like to put upon the trails. New trail along highway 101 which will give snowmobilers access to local business. City Council Meeting assignments: • January —Date was unknown at time of our meeting. Meeting Adjourned 8:05