12-13-11 PSC Agenda'The Police Commission is appointed by the City Council and is charged with developing a citizen complaint
procedure, promoting public interest in and an understanding of police work. They serve as a forum for the
citizens of Otsego to voice their opinions regarding community safety and police services."
December 13th, 2011
6:30 PM
1. Call meeting to order
2. Review informational handouts received
3. Consider agenda
4. Consider the minutes from September meeting
5. PC Interview -
6. Open Forum (5 minute limit) /Law Enforcement Update
* If you have any questions, comments or information regarding an item on the agenda, please step forward to be
recognized by the Police Commission during "Open Forum" item on the agenda. State your name and address for the
7. Old Business:
• McGruff Update —Shawn
o Updated McGruff Manuals
o Updated contact information for McGruff Houses
o Maintain the minimum safety protocols.
■ annual background checks
■ annual information review
■ annual report on program
o Maintain a candidate pool for McGruff volunteers to wear costume at events
8. New Business:
• City Website -directions from City Admin Johnson- at the special mtg with the CC and
Commissioners Lori asked each commission to think about what they would like on our new
website under their commission.
• New commission assignments for 2012 — Chair, Co-chair, Secretary, McGruff coordinator (if
9. City Council Meeting Updates:
• November 28, 2011-
0 December 12, 2011-
10. City Council Meeting Assignments:
• n/a