12-08-09 PSC AgendaOT )hUO POLICE UOMIVHNNION AGENDA December 8, 2009 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consider Agenda 3. Consider the following minutes: October 135 2009 4.Open Forum (5 minute limit ) 5. Old Business A Riverwood National update B Pheasant Ridge speeding update 6. New Business A. New project suggestions 7. Line Items October 26 Jane November 9 Linda 8. Council Meeting Assignments December 14 9. Adjournment * *Next meeting, January 12, 2010 Open Forum: If you have any questions ,comments, or information regarding an item on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the police commission during "OPEN FORUM" item on the agenda. State your name and address for the record.