05-12-09 PSC AgendaOTSEGO POLICE COMMISSION AGENDA MAY I2, 2009 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consider Agenda 3. Consider the following minutes: AApril 142009 . , 4.Open Forum (5 minute limit ) 5. Old Business A. Road clean up update (Paul) B National night out committee (Denise) C. Mc Gruff Contest 6. New Business 7. Line Items April 27 Linda May 11 Joel 8. Council Meeting Assignments May 25 Closed Memorial Day June 8 9. Adjournment **Next meeting, June 9, 2009 Open Forum: If you have any questions ,comments, or information regarding an item on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the police commission during "OPEN FORUM" item on the agenda. State your name and address for the record. ITEM 5-4 Otsego Police Commission Minutes May 12, 2009 PRESENT: Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Denise AndruSko, Linda Lewis, Jo Hinnankamp, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson. Officer Pete Walker Brad Belair — Otsego City Works Meeting called to order at 6:39 p.m. ADGENDA -approved Minutes from April 14 — missing, Jeff will submit. OPEN FORUM: House on 80'' St. is abandoned and emitting a foul smell, police will investigate. Cars are using shoulder for passing lane near Co Rd 39 & Co Rd 19, need signs or extra patrol. OLD BUSINESS: Road Clean up Brad Belair has example of sign. Has some garbage bags. Has samples of bio-degradable ags. Otsego Rod & Custom has already signed up for a road. Otsego Girl Scouts need to commit. UPDATE — Girl Scout Leaders found the State and National Council will not allow Brownie age scouts to participate in this activity. ith county on an Adopt -a -county -road program regarding Co Rd Recommend to the city a joint venture w 39 — Paul will ask Wright County officials. National Night Out - No new activity required. Denise will contact Target for possibe donations. McGruff coloring contest — Need to judge &award prizes. City staff will be the judges. NEW BUSINESS: 90 signs needed to be replaced at a cost of $6,000 in materials to the city (not including labor) due to "egging" of street signs. The eggs ruined the reflective backing on the signs. Advertise reward for information regarding culprits in ER paper or Otsego View? City Council Meeting assignments May 26 -Joel June 8 - Paul Next meeting —June 9 Meeting adjourned 7:40 p.m.