04-14-09 PSC AgendaOTSEGO POLICE COMMISSION AGENDA APRIL 14, 2009 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consider Agenda 3. Consider the following minutes: A. March 10, 2009 4.Open Forum (5 minute limit ) 5. Old Business A. Road clean up update (Paul) B National night out committee (Denise) C. McGruff Contest 6. New Business 7. Line Items March 23 April 13 8. Council Meeting Assignments April 27 May 11 9. Adjournment **Next meeting, May 12, 2009 Open Forum: If you have any questions ,comments, or information regarding an item on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the police commission during "OPEN FORUM" item on the agenda. State your name and address for the record. Otsego Police Commission Minutes April 14, 2009 Present: Jeff Stimac, Linda Lewis, Denise Andrusko, Jane Theisen, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Paul Fields, John Hinnenkamp, Joel Torkelson, Sgt Darsow. Meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM. Agenda was approved unanimously as amended. March minutes were approved unanimously. Open Forum: - Easter event was a big success again. -Sgt Darsow will be switching to a different supervisory shift so we will be having a new Sergeant as a Wright County 50 representative. Old Business: 1. Road clean-up proposal was approved for $500 from the council. At this time, all is moving forward. Paul will meet with Brad Belair on the particulars of the program. There have been a few groups already showing interest in the program. 2. National Night Out- No new inquiries have been made to Denise. 3. Mc Gruff Coloring Contest- All of the entries have been submitted and will be judged by City staff. New Business: John will submit some new information to The Otsego View. (Motorcycle awareness, National Night Out, Road clean-up, Curfew, etc.) Line Items: Council meeting reports March 23- Paul reported that the Snowmobile Club was there. Adopt -a -Road was approved. Possible new liquor store coming to town. April 13-John reported that there was nothing out of the ordinary. Council meeting assignments April 27- Linda May 11- Joel Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.