03-10-09 PSC AgendaOTSEGO POLICE COMMISSION AGENDA MARCH 10, 2009 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Consider Agenda 3. Consider the following minutes: A. January 13, 2009 4.Open Forum (5 minute limit ) 5. Old Business A. Road clean up update (Paul) B National night out committee (Denise) 6. New Business 7. Line Items January 26 Linda February 9 February 23 March 9 8. Council Meeting Assignments April 27 May 11 9. Adjournment * *Next meeting, April 14, 2009 Open Forum: If you have any questions ,comments, or information regarding an item on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the police commission during "OPEN FORUM" item on the agenda. State your name and address for the record. 0�/10/2009 14:40 763-497-2599 _ .��,uopz a .�1g�way �'xogram COURIMACARTHURRUPPE PAGE 02f 02 Pogo 1 0�2 Adopt a Highway Program Turns COmmtiniry involvement into clraaner roadt;idec t - f� l�r •• Note: old versort safety vest shown. Click h„fie to view the new saf®ty vest. .CAtltact yourlocal Adopt a Highw$y coordinator -<�—� Ham¢ � Aboul Mn/DDT � Doing Buatnees � pehing Around � / � �. Mn/DOT A to Z � Contecl I Simply 9aaroti � gdvanced Search �� Litter Facia One•Tltne Project Wbk1,l$.I�Ie.Atlo.P�.�H1ghlKay-�IC09.re m? IPa a Mn/DOT public :ervlce progrem for volunteers to pick up litter $long Minnesota's highways. It enables the style's environmentally conscious citizens to mak¢ a peraonnt contribution to a cleaner environment. How does �4 ork? Community groups, churches, Individuals or buaineaaea adopt a hi®hway by picking up Ikteron both sides (or et least two years. 'r'r . ii.r•. ..:: • Adopl a highway for a minimum of two yearo. • Select a segment of highway epproxlmalely two miles in length. • Pick up litter on bosh sldea of a highway. • Pick up litter ee often as It needs it spring through tall, usually two - three limes a year, The spring pickup should be done in ADriI ar Mey hefore Ute grass prows. • Natlry MNDOT aHeravery ptrJcup. Have yourAdopt a Highway number when you cell. h1r : u: ram:: ::. Provide safety vests, trashbaga and aefeq/ Information. Remove Wiled Dags from lily roedaidea; remove large, heavy or hazardous items. Erect a 3'x5' highway sign to rcwgnlze your group'a commitment. The sign legenq Is the name of your group only, nol its massage. Il la limited rA two lines of f 13-1 B eheteotera, induding 9pacea end punctuation, � r: ., • Mn/DOT will help your group select a highway to edopl. Roads that have very heavy [collie erarm ineec�s¢Ibl¢ to padealnians ara not eligible. • Yaur group's reprosentetive will elfin an apr¢ement on behalf of the group, • All participenta must review the safety information provided by MnlDOT before every pickup. • Participants mus( be 12 years old, unless apeclflcally permitted. Those panlclpants 1 A years old or younger must havo adequate adult supervision. • Work m+ty Do roatrlcted on or near holidays or other tlmea when very heavy tra}llc oocura. • Groups should leove fUl¢d u'aahDege along tha roadside as apeclhed py Mn/DOT. Group members arc encouraged to recycle maledala for their own benefit. • Groups arc not allowed to pick In medians or conalruction areas. Contact Ug OHIcB Of Marntenenc• • Meinena��� Littering Lawe • MN oc 160,4� Additional Links • Ka9pArngriga Boa��l • Clpar ttQ Liner Olher Adopt n Highway Programs • Arizona • Calilornla • 9Srl.4utdsx • I I • 14Qt1 . rolina • Texas • v;mir� • 'n ton • �Consin Reports r •• n - .• n..� �, , r= Ln: i� - :•.���. � . rn: U rr=- - :.�. ' - .. • .�; 02/10/2009 14:30 763-497-2599 COURIMACARTHURRUPPE PAGE 02/03 l uLuu UK: ugrW f ru@rM DOT OFF I Cf OF M I RIENANCE 6513663555 HO6 P.O3& ��4© Minnesprd Department of 7 ansportatian retmit (chmk onn) Pick-a-k7i0ltwa7w Tho group agreft to pickup litter one lime only iNe request permission to pick up litter on. , �l • ■ • • v 1 i • • - - -MI except fdr lbe neglige�tt acts of the State, its ngents and anplayees, the volu.nte,ers or their agents shall assume aIl liability for, and Sarre the State, its agents and employees, harnJess fiam, any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of the work to be dome herein_ Any And all vo1►111teers of the group or rather persoz►s while engaged in the performance of any work flr 9erwice performed under this agreement shall not be considered employees of the State, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker's Compemsation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or othez persons while so engaged, -and any and all claims made by any tbird party of the gmup's volunteer& ox other persozrg while so engaged on arty of the rw ark or services to be rendered shall in no way be the obligation or, responsibility of the State. Name of group • Name of group representative _ Q Phone (home) (work) a�f1af2009 14:38 763-497-2599 o��►e�a� O�.D�p�a �ro�lRd D0� 0��10� O{' 1,1�INS�fJAN� � ► �r,�r' .. COURItAACARTHURRUPPE . � l.. #, � � . '' --� � Jr•ir- rm � � �. -!i> � i i; .[=�L�� �� �;�c������11:�i��1�P ��('C.Tt'f_1�L�� �lir�UC� ��- C����.��1Lril��i7,� PAGE 03f 03 ����8 1. The group agrees to pick up litter ott a �€�g�eat of stag highway selected ir1 eansultatiori with the Miru►esota Del'iat�taner�t of TYanspsirtarion'9 (Mn/D6T) lo�,l office. ltecominended leregih is tvw miles. f1,t It�n (DDT's dise�tion, cortaaa lvghways may �»t be eligible, .' ?_ The gro>ap shall review the safety trafrting materials before sash piClcup to alert participant to clue ha2ards and ' precarttiorts ®l; working on a highway right-of-way_ ' � _ , 3. The group shall pick u$ litter dua-ing daylight hours only: nickupa may clot b_e allowed at pertain times sue11 es on or near holiday9. _ 4. The group shall provide adequate supervision to part}cipante Qighteen years of age or younger, lJnless specifically . permitted, children eleven or younger snail not participate. , � , 5_ Wosk ehaU be)in�Sted to the area between the outer si�oulde� and the right-•of-r�vay lroundery. flarticipaaits sl,eill riot pick up litter in the median unless specificefly permitted by 1�/DOT. Work may not be clone on the roadway its�)f. b. The group �hg11 arrange litter pickup dates) ire advance with the maintenattee engineer oP his/her designee in the appropriate Mn/bOT office. The group shall obtain their Supplies during regular business. hours. 7. The ,group shall place filled trashbogB cam►. the shoulder stage close to the flitch hottom. Mn/DOT wiU arrange to pick ' up. the bags. Groups are encouraged to recycle 0ppzblsr;ate materials for their own benefit. ,- 8. $orrovved or unused supplies shall be re�rned Xl? the inn/nOT oFfice w3f� one week. 7'he Minnesota l�c=p�attment of 73'astsportafion agrees to: -1. Provide high viaibiiity vests, trasltbags, safety training mxaterisls twd.temporaiy traffic warn;ng �ig� when necessary as detetmined iry Mn/DOT_ .2' arrange to remove filled trashba� from the adopted•l�ii�;hwAy. 3. a'�rrange ro mtnove large, heavy dr. hazardous material Frotrt the adopted highway. , 4. Ooordinate puWtctry v�ith the group t® �alieit local media eovQrage. ' 5. erect a highway sign or otlutwi®e res�gnia�e the cup's clean-up efEoats. ,Highway Signs Shall be ere�d only for grotapg • that agree to adopt a h�hway for a ixtinimum of tuvo years, The name ors the Sign shall he limited. to two lines ®f elgtlieeat to t'W�enty ChclraCi�-p ftrictu�isib ®�suc.�). P/li, f Sri' x�u�-avc�0 rt�c right bo,n��#rmve as�.dJQF �c31t ��ae.s ®g aaonyXtls. � • a Otsego Police Commission Minutes March 10, 2009 PRESENT: Jeff Stimac, Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Linda Lewis, John Hinnankamp, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson. Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m. ADGENDA -approved Minutes from Jan 13 — approved OPEN FORUM: City street signs and resident's cars are being vandalized with eggs. First reported approx 1 month ago, and multiple times since. Consider advertising for a reward of possibly $500 in the Star News if it continues. Snowmobiles riding on boulevards on 85'h is continuing issue. The Snowmobile Club's policy is to accept resident's complaint calls involving land usage, right of ways, trail locations and hours of operation. The club will make every effort to rectify these problems, but if there is real, monetary damage to personal property this must be reported to local police. What is the ordinance on small (kid sized) motor -bikes? Basically you are allowed to ride in your yard, you are not allowed on any road. OLD BUSINESS: Road can up Paul submitted a list of costs to begin this program. The Girl Scouts would like 78th. Hawkinson/Anderson would like Queens. Otsego Rod & Custom would like a road also. The commission agrees there is enough local interest to present the local Road Clean Up program to the City Council for approval and funding. Need to address safety alert sheets, trash pick up coordination. Also suggest volunteers provide their own gloves to help lower costs. Will promote on Otsego website and Otsego View. Easter Event — Apri14. Will we do McGruff coloring contest? Rob will edit coloring page —need to add space for name, age, phone #, city. Prizes will be bike safety equipment — Jeff will obtain. Thursday April 23 is deadline to drop off all prizes. City Council comments: Opening new Doggy Day Care in old Precision Motorsports space. City Council Meeting assignments March 23 -Paul April 13 - John Next metting April 14. Meeting adjourned 7:57 p.m.