02-08-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes February 8, 2011 Present: John Hinnenkamp, Jason Am ehime, MayorJessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Shawn Watson, Denise Andrusko, Dana VanDenBerg. Police Officer: Peter Walker, SherriffJoe Hagerty Meeting called to order at: 6:36 p.m. AGENDA —Add: Review current item pamphlets, Corrected date of next meeting. Updated Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES from: January 11, 2011 -Approved OPEN FORUM: Joe Hagerty is the new Wright County Sherriff as of January 3, 2011 He informed us that they are having a contract meeting on March 10 Th at 7 p.m. open to elected officials. He also talked about the Wright County Domestic Advocates they have if more information is needed contact Wright County. OLD BUISNESS: Shawn gave updated on the snowmobile pamphlet that can be found in the case in front of city hall or from the city hall office. NEW BUSINESS: Discussed Bike Rodeo, voted and approved 2011 event date to be determined. John asked that we address these four items: • Cost of event • Date- TBD • Event Coordination • Advertisement Jason will ask Target and New River Hospital for donations of possible bike helmets, and miscellaneous items. Shawn will talk to Maple Grove and get guidelines on running a bike rodeo. Jessica will talk to Joel to see if the Public Health Department would like to participate in the rodeo and also have Child Safety Seat checks. Calendar of Events: Easter Egg Hunt Date TDB City Council Meeting assignments: February 14 Jason February 28 Shawn Next Meeting: March 8, 2011 Meeting Adjourned 7:35 p.m.