04-12-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes April 12, 2011 Present: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Denise AndrUSko, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Jane Theisen, Joel Torkelson, Shawn Watson, Deputy Pete Walker, Open Forum: Deputy Walker reported that there has been an uptick in activity lately around the city and that the Sheriff's Office has arrested a man for arson of a self -storage business in Albertville. Road Construction will be occurring this summer on the Hwy 101 bridge by Hwy 169 and plans are to reroute traffic on Parrish Ave/Cty Rd 42. Old Business: Bike Rodeo: New River Medical Center is willing to donate funds to help purchase bike helmets. Surrounding communities are already doing Bike Rodeos (Elk River, Monticello, St. Michael), we will need to further discuss this and plan for an event next year. A suggestion was given to see if we could partner with the Family Fun Walk and Otsego Elementary next year. Contact will be made with that event coordinator. New Business: Community members have asked Police Commission members to research the possibility of holding a Prescription Drug drop-off site. April 30'" is the 2"d national DEA event. Commission members will look into planning for this in 2012. Vouchers will be available at City Hall from May 2"d . 7t" for residents to pick up who are interested in saving some money and recycling home electronics. Calendar of Events: Spring PC Adopt -a -Road Clean Up: The Police Commission will conduct the spring road cleanup as part of the May 10t" Police Commission Meeting. National Night Out: August 2"d. Denise was kind enough to again be the contact person for this event planning and Jason will work on donations/writing grant to Target. Otsego Jam Fest: August 5-61" and will be featuring Travis Tritt Otsego Festival: September 17t" Pumpkin Patch Otsego View Submission Dates: May 61", July 22, October 7th City Council Meeting Updates: March 14, 2011: no updates March 28, 2011: no updates April 11, 2011: no updates City Council Meeting Assignments: April 25, 2011: Jason Warehime May 9, 2011: Shawn Watson Meeting adjourned: 7:30pm Respectfully Submitted by: Joel Torkelson