07-21-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes July 21. 2011 Present: Councilmember Doug Schroeder, John Hinnenkamp, Paul Fields, Shawn Watson, Denise Andrusko, Deptuty Jake Hermansen, Joel Torkelson, Jason Warenhime Meeting called to order at 6:38pm. Informational handouts reviewed Agenda approved —with including NNO and Otsego Festival under New Business Minutes from June 14—Approved Open Forum: - Increased foot traffic observed at night along new trail (791h St.). Neighbors concerned about potential for vandalism. City looking to address issue and Jake will let local deputies know to keep an eye on the area. - Jake provided an update of from the Sheriff's Office perspective; things are going well and they will have a presence at the Jam Fest. - Read and discussed a letter regarding a citizen's complaint about fireworks. Information will be forwarded to Sgt. Walker and the city is willing to contact the individual. Old Business: - Jason updated the group about Target's donation for the OES bike rodeo; they will give us the larger of 2 bikes and we will purchase the smaller one. Probably around $50. - McGruff costume fixed; thank you Denise! New Business: -Accepted Jane Theisen's resignation letter. Although she wasn't in attendance we thanked her for all her work on this committee and the community. A thank you card will be at the city hall for us to sign. - Commission opening — a posting will be put on the cities website. Applicants would potentially be interviewed at Sept. meeting. - Discussed what the McGruff program entailed. Shawn volunteered to take over the McGruff program. It is not known what supplies are available or been ordered related to McGruff for upcoming events. Group members offered to continue their support in the promotion of this program. - 2012-2013 Sheriff's Office contract discussed. Explanation provided by Jake and discussed what the hourly rate entails. - National Night Out; 9 registered as the day of our meeting. Jason and Denise again coordinating; thank you I Jason mentioned that Target can't donate money this year, probably be an every other year thing with NNO. Calendar of Events: National Night Out—August2"d Otsego Festival — September 171h (will discuss further at Sept. meeting and sign up for shifts) Pumpkin Patch — October 22"d Otsego View (provide McGruff information in Winter edition) Police Commission Adopt a Road Clean-up: October 11 as part of monthly meeting City Council Meeting Updates: June 27, 2011— No update provided