05-10-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes May 10, 2011 Present: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Dana VanDenBerg1 Paul Fields, Jane Thiesen, Joel Torkelson, Deputy Pete Walker Meeting called to order @ 6:33 pm Open Forum: Deputy Walker discussed some vandalism occurring with street signs. Street signs pulled out from the ground, street lights down, 1 street light lens broken. Old Business: Nothing noted New Business: Per Jessica there is a request from Otsego Elementary to provide assistance with a bike rodeo and if the PC would be interest. Otsego Elementary meeting more on this in May/June. Need for a sign on how to get on to 101 westbound. Currently it is confusing with a left turn lane and a right lane that leads to the cloverleaf onto 101 west. Jessica will have Brad call county. PC next did their spring road clean-up.