09-13-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes September 13, 2011 Present: Jason Warehime, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Dana VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Paul Fields. Police Officer: Kevin Olson Meeting called to order at: 6:36 p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES from: July 21, 2011 -Approved OPEN FORUM: Interviewed Kristi Stanislawski for Police Commission Position. Resident Jacob Postuma brought to the police commission's attention the lack of shoulder space on 70th Street and County Rd 19 for riding bikes or walking, he feels it to be an unsafe road. According to Mayor Jessica Stockamp this is being reviewed by the city for future expansion. Also Mayor Stockamp informed us that the city will be installing 3 new tornado sirens. One will at 78th and Quaday, one at City Hall and one will be by Boulder Meadows development. The city will also be installing more lighting at Prairie Park. OLD BUISNESS: Jason updated us on the bike donations for the Otsego Elementary School Bike Rodeo, Target donated one and he was able to get a second for a 15% discount. Total cost $38.00. McGruff Updates will be discussed at our next meeting Sherriff Contract update: Approved. NEW BUSINESS: • Otsego Festival —Police commission has decided not to have a booth at the Festival this year; however Dana will pass out information at her Girl Scout booth. • McGruff will not be attending the festival. • PC will do Fall Clean up at our October 11th meeting. • Motion to table making a decision on the new applicant until our next meeting October 11th further discussion with the rest of the members is needed. Joel will contact Kristi and inform her that we will be having further discussions at our next meeting. • Jason and Joel will put together a newsletter for the view regarding the Wright County Drug Take Back Program. • Wright County Drug Take Back Program: The Wright County Sheriff's Office in partnership with Wright County Environmental Health, Public Health, and surrounding Law Enforcement agencies has instituted a household pharmaceutical waste Drug Take Back Program. Residents are encouraged to bring their unused or expired medication, to the Sherriff's Office, or local law enforcement agency in Wright County, and place them in the secure repository. The Drug Take Back Program was established in an attempt to reduce the volume of unused medications being flushed down sewer systems. Research has shown that flushing medication can damage the environment. Studies also show that current technology at wastewater treatment facilities is unable to remove these compounds from the wastewater. These same compounds are increasing found in our lakes, streams, and rivers. In you have any questions regarding the program please contact Lt. Todd Hoffman at 763-682-7640. Calendar of Events: Otsego Festival — September 17, 2011- Police Commission will not hold a booth this year. Pumpkin Patch — October 22, 2011 Otsego View Submission Dates — Summer (May 6th), Fall (July 22), Winter (October 7) City Council Meeting Updates: July 25, 2011—Jason- Nothing to report August 8, 2011- Joel — Nothing to report August 22, 2011- Jason — Nothing to report September 12, 2011— Shawn — Nothing to report City Council Meeting assignments: September 26, 2011— Dana October 10, 2011- Paul Next Meeting: October 11, 2011- Street Clean Up Meeting Adjourned 8:10 p.m.