10-11-11 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes October 11, 2011 Present: Jason Warehime, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Dana VanDenBerg, Joel TVI C; JOn, Paul Fields John Hinnenkamp. Police Officer: Pete Walker Meeting called to order at: 6:30 p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES from: September 13, 2011-Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit) /Law Enforcement Update: Mostly quiet. Not many Police/emergency calls. Nothing noteworthy to report. OLD BUISNESS: Discuss PC Candidates: We have another candidate interested in the Police Commission we will plan to interview this person at our November meeting. Police Commission decided to do road clean up on Sunday October 16 at 4*00 p.m. due to the lack of sun light. McGruff Updates will be discussed at our next meeting NEW BUSINESS: Please look in the Otsego View for more information regarding the Wright County Drug Take Back Program. Wright County will be having a National Drug Take Back on October 29, 2011. Police Commission approved a special meeting on November 14, 2011 at Otsego City Hall. Joel will be updating the Police Commission as needed on meeting s that he attends with the Safe School Program. Calendar of Events: Pumpkin Patch October 22nd Otsego View Submission Dates — Summer (May 6t"), Fall (July 22), Winter (October 7) City Council Meeting Updates: • September 26 —Dana —Nothing to report • October 10 — Paul — Nothing to report City Council Meeting assignments: • October 24, 2011-Joel • November 14, 2011-Jason Next Meeting November 15, 2011 NOTICE OF DATE CHANGE Meeting Adjourned 7:46p.m.