10-12-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes October 12, 2010 PRESENT: Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen. Pat Brink — Otsego View Police Officer — Butch Darsaw Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM Interview 2 applicants for open positions. The commission recommends both applicants. ADGENDA —Move interviews (item 6) to begin ASAP -Approved MINUTES from August 17 —Approved OPEN FORUM: Complaint that someone in the area of Co Rd 39 & Mason is living in a barn. The person has been visited by police, and the city council has asked to talk with the person. Only minor offenses reported by Butch —mostly theft from parked vehicles. Some reports of minibikes being operated hazardously on 85a` Reports of dune buggy racing from the boat landing to Mississippi Pines neighborhood. OLD BUSINESS: The Otsego Festival police commission raffle winner was selected by John, and awarded to the winner. NEW BUSINESS: Have to get more items to give away at the 2011 Festival. Need give-away bags stuffed for Otsego Pumpkin Patch. Need McGruff to appear at Otsego Pumpkin Patch. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Otsego Pumpkin Patch — 10-16-10 (Paul's son will dress up as McGruff) CITY COUNCIL MEETING UPDATES: 9-27-10 Paul attended. The city of Albertville requested the city of Otsego contribute money to improving roads/access near the Albertville Mall — Otsego declined. 10-11-10 Jason attended. Nothing to report. CITY COUNCIL MEETING ASSIGNMENTS: Oct 25 —Joel Nov 8 - Jane Next meeting —November 9, 2010 Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM