01-12-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes January 12, 2010 PRESENT: Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, John Hinnankamp, Jason Warehime, Denise Andrusko, Pat Brink (Otsego View) and Pete Walker (Wright County Sheriff) Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm AGENDA —Approved MINUTES — December 8, 2009 — Approved OPEN FORUM: The City Council has requested additional patrol on 85th and Odean for snowmobiles not riding on the street. Signage will be made instructing snowmobiles to use roads only in this area. OLD BUSINESS: The Police Commission would like to welcome Jason Warehime as a new member of the commission. We look forward to Jason's contribution to our team. NEW BUSINESS: The following members were elected as this year's officers: Chair —John Hinnankamp Vice Chair —Denise Andrusko Secretary — Rob VanDenBerg The McGruff Contest will be announced in the April/May issue of the Otsego View, Coloring sheets will be available at City Hall and will be judged in two separate age groups. Further details to follow at February's meeting. CITY COUNCIL MEETING ASSIGNMENTS: January 25 —Linda Lewis February 8 —Paul Fields Next Meeting —February 9, 2010