03-09-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes March 9, 2010 PRESENT: Jane Theisen, Denise Andrusko, Paul Fields, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Jessica Stockamp. Pat Brink — Otsego View Police Officer — Butch Darsow Meeting called to order at 6:39 p.m. ADGENDA —Approved Minutes from Feb 9 — Approved OPEN FORUM: Law enforcement update: Very few calls in Otsego. \ Road restrictions begin March 10. Resident using bike path for entrance to backyard between Ogren and Odean. Traffic light timing issue at Co Rd 37 and Hwy 101. OLD BUSINESS: McGruff coloring and poster contest: Pat Brink will advertise the event in the view. The ad will direct residents to the Otsego website for more info and to print off a coloring sheet. The next edition of the View is scheduled to be out on March 23 or 24. Pat will make a web copy and try to get it in the Star News, and send to the city to be posted on the website. National Night Out, 8-3-10: Decision made to do neighbor gatherings only this year. Too late in the year to start planning for an entire community gathering. Denise will start a list of needs - registration, donations, services, etc. NEW BUSINESS: Community Night will not do this year. Bike Parade? TBD Event Dates — Commission Spring Clean Up —Sunday May 2 at 1:OOPM. Meet at City Hall. Otsego Festival — September 18 City Council Meeting assignments March 22 —Joel April 12 - Paul Next meeting —April 13, 2010 Meeting adjourned 7:49 PM