04-13-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes April 13, 2010 � PRESENT: y Jane Theisen, Denise Andrusko, Paul Fields, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Jessica Stockamp. Pat Brink — Otsego View Police Officer — Pete Walker Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. ADGENDA —Approved Minutes from March 9 — Approved OPEN FORUM: Police report — 7331 Lamont Ave, complaints about noise. Citation issued to non-resident owners. House is being rented by 5 adults. Inquiry raised regarding installing speed limit signs on the unpaved portion of 83rd Ave. Rockwoods restaurant is offering sober cab service called "Orange Cab". The service is provided by Wright County to many establishments along the Interstate 94 corridor. Question asked if Wright County is involved with NIXLE. Wright County is hosting regional police canine trials in July, near Albertville. OLD BUSINESS: Coloring Contest — there were about 25 participants. Judging will be done by Otsego city employees and donated prizes awarded. National Night Out — currently no new tasks. NEW BUSINESS: Suggestion to partner with Park & Recreation Commission and sponsor a children's bicycle parade — or other events. Decided these types of events do not fit well with the Police Commission and will not pursue. Event Dates — Commission Spring Clean Up —Sunday May 2 at 1:OOPM. Meet at City Hall. National Night Out — August 3 Otsego Festival — September 18 City Council Meeting assignments Apri126 —Paul May 10 = Rob Next meeting —May 11, 2010 Meeting adjourned 7:40 PM