05-11-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes May 11, 2010 PRESENT: Jane Theisen, Denise Andrusko, Paul Fields, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Jessica Stockamp. Pat Brink — Otsego View Police Officer — Pete Walker Resident — Curt Palm Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. ADGENDA —Approved with additions Minutes from April 13 —Approved OPEN FORUM: Curt Palm — 96 h St near Otsego Park: Speeding on 96 h is getting out of control. People coming out of Otsego Park. Options to control speed discussed. Police will increase presence. More complaints at 66`f' Court area. Issues of large amount of people coming and going from a particular residence. OLD BUSINESS: Coloring Contest — 4 winners awarded prizes. Pictures posted at Target. National Night Out —Target has grant money to spend. Jason is currently filling out forms to apply for the money. Police Commission Road Clean Up —All went well. NEW BUSINESS: 2 new applications to Adopt -a -street. One requested Page, but 70`-80a` Street are better choices. Eligible streets will be chosen with Public Works. Bike Rodeo —Will see what other cities are doing and how conducted. Event Dates — National Night Out —August 3 Otsego Festival —September 18 City Council Meeting assignments May 24 -Jason June 7 - Linda Next meeting —June 8, 2010 Meeting adjourned 7:25 PM 4 �C�tnYlah G��vy;ct4e Johvloo✓i s. YYI i vkdj�L 444ew � m ma 7. 10. City of Otsego Otsego Police Commission May 11, 2010 6:30 PM /0 /0 y��� �,�. cwe v�re vv �3Lk 0IA l 3 LI !-1 "i S L& P-e�r i or o�Y . 0 , 7 - 77 ZC� 3 -L#1/ -�7 210 qt<p �lq a l03 �4 VI � 57,09 8