06-08-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes June 8, 2010 � PRESENT: y Denise Andrusko, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Jessica Stockamp. Pat Brink — Otsego View Police Officer — Pete Walker Meeting called to order at 6:37 p.m. ADGENDA —Add Jamfest Aug 7. McGruff appearance requested. Minutes from May 11 — Approved OPEN FORUM: Law enforcement update — Curfew and speed reminder published in Otsego View. Not much other activity to report. OLD BUSINESS: National Night Out — Jason turned in grant money request to Target Stores. Advertisement in next Otsego View. No neighborhood registrations yet. Jason will request specific items for Target to donate. No data from speedwagon to analyze speeds in Otsego Park area. NEW BUSINESS: Bike Rodeo — Monticello is having one on June 19 from 9:0042:00 at New River Medical Center. They sell bike helmets for $3 — Denise will investigate what costs are involved. NIXLE update —Paul still gathering info. Event Dates — K-9 Trials Public Demonstration, 7PM, St Michael Middle School West —July 19 National Night Out — August 3 Otsego Jamfest — Aug 7 Otsego Festival — September 18 City Council Meeting assignments June 14 -Joel July 12 - Denise Next meeting —July 13, 2010 Meeting adjourned 7:35 PM