07-13-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes July 13, 2010 Present: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Denise Andrusko, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Paul Fields, Jane Theisen, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, Deputy Pete Walker, Pat Brink (Otsego View). Special Guest: Carter Diers, Wright County Court Services Meeting called to order at 6:30pm. Agenda —Approved Minutes from June 8—Approved Open Forum: Law Enforcement Update —things have been good and nothing out of the ordinary around the city. Otsego View — Next edition will feature some timely safety information on the back of newsletter; reminding residents to obey school stop signs and providing a school safety update, encouraging residents to keep their garage doors closed to reduce any potential thefts. Guest — Carter Diers with the Wright County Court Services Department briefly presented to the group. Carter is a Probation Agent who supervises juveniles living in the St. Michael, Albertville and Otsego areas. Old Business: National Night Out —Received $600 from Target for larger item giveaways. City Council thanked Target and Jason for their collaboration and donation. Target also donated paper supplies, sidewalk chalk and volunteers. As of the night of our meeting, 8 neighborhoods had registered. Commission members decided that the 1" 12 registered neighborhoods would receive a package of giveaways (gift basket) to be raffled off among residents. Denise will communicate with the neighborhoods and service contacts. The commission thanked Denise for continuing to help coordinate NNO and make it such a success in Otsego! Otsego Jam Fest — 5 bands will be performing. Nixle — Is now on the Wright County Sheriffs Office website, residents can now sign-up for updates. New Business: August Meeting: Original meeting scheduled for August 10, which is also date of primary. Group decided to reschedule meeting for 8/17 at 6:30pm. Calendar of Events: Otsego Festival, September 18 —consider having updated maps of Adopt -a -Street and McGruff Houses City Council Meeting Updates: June 12 &July 12 —Nothing to report as it relates to the Police Commission City Council Meeting Assignments: July 26, 2010—Jason August 9, 2010 — Paul Meeting adjourned: 7:40pm Respectfully Submitted by: Joel Torkelson VENDOR NAME CITY OF OTSEGO \/FNnop N(1 nnnnnOQQn , nc , DOCUMENT NUMBER 184370_WAREHIME OTSEGO NATIONAL NIGHT OUT CODE 1 DOC. DATE 06/17/10 GROSS AMOUNT 600,00 DISCOUNT AMOUNT 0.00 NET AMOUNT 600.00 rr GROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT AMOUNT NET AMOUNT DATE OF CHECK CHECK NO. 600.00 0.00 600.00 07/09/10 1163935 PLEASE PROVIDE CHECK N, VENDOR N, AND DOCUMENT H 'CODE 1 - INVOICE NO. 3 - DEBIT MEMO NO. WHEN WRITING OR CALL TARGET (763) 440-1002 2 - CREDIT MEMO NO. REMOVE DOCUMENT ALONG TH18 PERFORATION Target Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. 1* PO. Box 1296 404 West Broadway DATE 93-516 CHECK NO. Minneapolis, MN 55440-1296 Lewistown, MT 59457 07/09/2010 929 1163935 4990009642 NET AMOUNT PAY SIX HUNDRED AND 00/1 TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDER 8899 NASHUA AVE NE OF OTSEGO MN 55330 I12000 1 L6393 SIII I:09 2905 L68ism 499000964 21I■ THIS CHECK IS VOID IF NOT CASHED WITHIN 5 MONTHS AF