09-14-10 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes September 14, 2010 PRESENT: Denise Andiusko, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, John Hinnenkamp, Jason Warehime, Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen. Pat Brink — Otsego View Police Officer — Pete Walker Meeting called to order at 6:37 p.m. ADGENDA — Item A removed until next month -Approved MINUTES from August 17 —Approved OPEN FORUM: Resident complaint regarding golf carts on public roads and sidewalks. The resident called the police to report and the persons were found and stopped by police. The police officer incorrectly informed the cart driver that there was no ordinance restricting golf cart usage. Officer Pete will inform officers patrolling in Otsego that there is an ordinance restricting golf cart usage, and will have the officer who responded to the previous call re -visit the cart driver and clarify. Officer Kevin Olson gave multiple parking citations for cars illegally parked near the VFW fields during a Rugby tournament. City officials would like to review police reports/citations and discuss with the VFW. Parking is not allowed on 90`i' St NE, but parked on frequently by many people during football practices. Officer Pete will have police advise people it is a no parking zone. Complaint about speeding near Arbor Creek area. Officer Pete will make police aware to patrol more often. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Need to interview replacement for Linda Lewis. Will interview applicants Oct 12. Otsego festival this Saturday. Will raffle off National Night Out extra donations. Booth hour duties: 10:00AM42:OOPM ... Paul, Joel, Denise 12:OOPM-2:OOPM ... Rob 2:OOPM-5:OOPM ... John Police Commission Road Clean-up will meet at City Hall 10-10-10 @ 10:00AM. Need McGruff appearance at Otsego Pumpkin Patch, Event Dates — Otsego Pumpkin Patch — 10-16-10 City Council Meeting assignments Sept 27 -Paul Oct 11 - Jason Next meeting —October 12, 2010 Meeting adjourned 7:27 PM