06-10-09 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Meeting
June 9, 2009 Minutes
Present: Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Linda Lewis, Deputy Todd
Jorgenson, Joel Torkelson, Denise Andrusko, John Hinnenkamp
- Meeting called to order at 6:40pm
- Agenda approved as amended.
- Minutes from April 14 & May 12 meeting were unanimously approved.
Open Form:
- Vandalism was reported at Otsego Park, by 96th St., spray painting on street sign.
- The crash along Hwy 101 was discussed, a formal thank you will be sent out to the 3
bystanders who attempted to save the man's life in the crash.
Old Business:
- Road Clean-up Project: Paul contacted the county and they have started up a program as
well. Jessica reported that their pick up went very well a couple weeks ago. We are still
taking applications for adopt a street. By a unanimous vote, it was decided that the Police
Commission will officially adopt a street and plan for a fall clean-up. More details to
- National Night Out is August 4th. Denise is leading this initiative again this year,
information was put in city newsletter. Potentially working with Target for donations, or
other local businesses who would like to be involved.
New Business:
- The commission agreed to NOT meet in July, see you in August!
- Otsego Festival is on Sept. 19th, please mark your calendar. We will need volunteers to
man a booth, initial ideas include having info on adopt a street program, need giveaways,
will figure out scheduling at our August meeting.
Line Items:
- May 26 Council meeting, Joel attended and there was nothing discussed pertaining to
Police Commission
- June 8 Council meeting, Paul reported that some citizens have concerns with
intersection of 77th St. & Cty Rd 19.
Council Meeting Assignments:
June 22 —Jane
July 12 —Denise
July 27 — Joel
August 10 —Paul
Meeting adjourned at 8: 25pm