09-08-09 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes September 8, 2009 PRESENT: Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson. Police Officer - Peter Walker City Planner — Dan Licht Otsego Resident — Jerome Kowalezyc Otsego Resident — Diann Norfolk Meeting called to order at 6:36 p.m. ADGENDA —Add: Trail use for golf carts Updated adgenda - Approved Minutes from August 11 — Approved OPEN FORUM: Issue presented that residents are driving golf carts on the walking/biking trails and streets in residential areas. The Police Commission recommends the city does not allow golf carts on the walking/biking trails. State statute gives each individual city the discretion to allow or disallow the operation of golf carts on it's own city streets. The Police Commission recommends that the city does not allow golf carts on city streets. The MN DNR has no jurisdiction over the use of city streets and city walking/biking paths. Police response time needs improvement. A recent accident at the intersection of Park and 78a' St was reported on August 30 at 5:30PM. Police did not arrive until 25 minutes later. Officer Walker will advise the department. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: October 4 is road clean up day for commission members, beginning at 1:OOPM. Clean up area is Nashua from 85a` to Co Rd 39. Otsego Festival Police Commission booth duties: Pau19:00-12:00 Denise 9:00-12:00 John 12:00-3:00 Rob 12:00-3:00 Joel 3:00-5:00 Linda 3:00-5:00 NIXLE.com is an Internet based community awareness website. Could the Otsego website offer a link to NIXLE? Must be determined if it is valid before endorsing, possibly check with other cities. City Council Meeting assignments Sept 14 -Paul Sept 28 - Joel Next meeting —October 13 Meeting adjourned 8912 PM