10-13-09 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes
October 13, 2009
Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Linda
Police Officer — Todd Jorgenson
Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m.
ADGENDA —Add: Speed limit in Pheasant Ridge
Updated agenda - Approved
Minutes from September 8 — Approved
Riverwood Nat'l cited for selling alcohol to minors — 2nd offense. Corrective action has been tabled by the
city council until a later council meeting TBD.
West Otsego watertower overflowed recently. Residents were not sure who to call for such an event, and
the police were called. In the future, the police dispatch should refer these calls to the City Works Dept.
Collision between a van and car reported on Co Rd 42 and entrance to Otsego Elementary School.
Robbery reported at Riverview Community Bank on 10-9-09.
Receiving increasing reports of failure to stop at intersection of 85d` & Odean. Will continue to monitor.
NIXLE — This is a service that can alert residents of the whereabouts of offenders, local events, activities or
emergencies/alarms and send to individual's e-mail or phone. This could report anything from dates of an
upcoming festival to road construction/blockage information to an immediate report of a robbery. Paul
contacted the City of Brooklyn Park about their usage, they endorse the website. Brooklyn Park city
officials say the information is from the Police Dept, and is valid.
The Otsego City Council believes Otsego is not ready to pursue this service just yet.
Road Clean Up —City commission clean up happened Oct 4. All went well.
Riverwood Nat'l may sign up to clean Kadler.
The Holiday Inn. and Mormon Church have expressed interest in signing up to clean a road.
Otsego Festival —All went well. The new signs really helped identify the commissions. Lots of positive
Otsego Pumpkin Patch —Saturday Oct 17. Police Commission will not have McGruff attend.
Will ask Otsego Cub Scouts and Otsego Girl Scouts to help out.
Issue of speeding in the Pheasant Ridge neighborhood. Suggest a "caution" type 20MPH sign on curves??
Fatal auto accident reported at intersection of 931d & Ohland.
City Council approved Otsego Snowmobile Club use of city buildings to hold Youth Safety Training.
Need to get new signs up prohibiting snowmobiles from driving on boulevards in curbed areas —Rick
Knutson in sign dept. Dec 1 target date.
Suggest Otsego Snowmobile Club link on city website and snowmobile curb ordinance in the View.
City Council Meeting assignments
Oct 26 -Jane
Nov 9 -Linda
Next meeting —November 10
Meeting adjourned 7:55 PM