12-08-09 PSC MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes December 8, 2009 PRESENT: Jessica Stockamp, Jane Theisen, Paul Fields, Rob VanDenBerg, Joel Torkelson, Linda Lewis, John Hinnankamp. Otsego View — Pat Brink Police Officer — Pete Walker Meeting called to order at 6:43 p.m. ADGENDA —Add: On -call ls` Responders Updated agenda - Approved Minutes from Oct 13 — Revise car accident item, will review to approve at January meeting. OPEN FORUM: Police calls down 10%45%. OLD BUSINESS: Riverwood National was fined $2,000 with no deferred payment option for alcohol sales violation. A round table discussion with the City Council and all alcohol serving/selling establishments in Otsego will be planned to pro -actively address problems, issues and solutions. Wright County conducts random alcohol regulatory "checks" twice per year. Pheasant Ridge area put up advisory traffic signs (e.g. Caution —Crosswalk) to aid in controlling automobile speed issues. NEW BUSINESS: Would like to plan a McGruff day at Otsego Elementary. Need to inquire if the school will allow. Road Clean Up —Roads are still available for volunteer groups. No new groups have volunteered recently. County Road clean up is not within the city's jurisdiction — up to Wright County to approve. On Call, Volunteer, 15` Responders — Can a group of Otsego residents that are qualified 1 S` responders be organized to volunteer their services in emergency situations to help improve response time. There are issues that may make this unavailable because Otsego contracts out Police, Fire and Ambulance services. Rob will investigate further. The Commission interviewed 3 applicants for the open position. Dan Floodman Jason Warehime Katie Wilson The Commission made a recommendation to the City Council for approval. City Council Meeting assignments Dec 14 -Rob Next meeting —January 12 Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM