05-18-11 PRITEM 3_2 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMMISSION WORKSHOP AGENDA MAY 18, 2011 7:00 PM 1. Chair Brumm will call the meeting to order. Chair Mike Brumm called the workshop to order at 7:03 PM. Roll Call: Chair Mike Brumm; Vice Chair Krista Bean; Commission Members; Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts and Susan Krekelberg; City Council; City Council Member Doug Schroeder; Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff: Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing and Daniel Licht, City Planner Guests; Elk River City Administrator, Lori Johnson and Elk River Recreation Manager Steve Benoit. 2. Introductions. Commissioners, City Council, City Staff and Guests introduced themselves. 3. Discussion of recreation programming goals and priorities. Discussion of Otsego contracting with Elk River for recreation programming with an Otsego identity and eventually becoming an independent program. Commissioners gave input as what programs have been successful in the past and what they would like offered in the new program. Desired programs including summer camp, spa programs and sports, but noting gymnastics as being in higher demand. Discussion of staffing and scheduling of the programs so as to not overlap them. Kaleidoscope Charter School, City Hall, the Public Works building and Otsego Elementary were discussed as possible facilities to be used for programming. Fitness 101 was also mentioned for possible exercise programs. Discussion of marketing the program. Mr. Benoit said you need a booklet that looks good, is in color and looks attractive. Distribution and displaying of guides noting the guide is the core of what you are. Discussed incorporating mailing of the guide with the Otsego View mailing. A good online system, one that is easy to use. Possibly purchasing software and having signup available at City Hall or having a form to fill out and bring to City Hall. Advertising in the local newspaper. The main thing is just getting the word out. Elk River Recreation Manager Steve Benoit feels they have enough to go on at this point and said you want this to be about quality, not quantity. City Planner Licht said once they have a quote, this will have to come back to another workshop. 4. Any other items. Commissioner Roberts showed a postcard with this year's events on it for approval. Changes were noted and they will be printed in black and white. Posters will be printed in color. City Planner Licht will ask Kim Welter for a quote on preparing posters for upcoming events. Mayor Stockamp said there will be a bike rodeo on Friday September 2, 2011 for the Safe Routes to School. There will be a bike give away and they are wondering if the Parks and Recreation Commission would donate some bikes. This will be on the next Parks and Recreation agenda. City Planner Licht and the City Engineer have offered to donate color maps with the new mileage for the Safe Routes to School. With the Parks and Recreations permission, their label will be located on the maps. 5. Adjourn. The workshop adjourned at 8:31 PM.