05-11-11 PRITEM USEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 11, 2011 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Mike Brumm called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call. Chair Mike Brumm; Vice Chair Krista Bean, Commission Members; Peter Torresani and Rose Cassady; Absent: Commission Members; Kathy Roberts, Susan Krekelberg and Duane Lauseng; City Council; Mayor Jessica Stockamp City Staff: Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing and Daniel Licht, City Planner. 2. Consider agenda approval. Chair Brumm requested to add 5.2 Otsego Recreation Programming Work Shop. Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve the agenda as amended Seconded by Vice Chair Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. April 13, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes. Vice Chair Bean motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: Ms. Sarah Lengquist, a student at Rogers High School talked about her friend Mr. Markus Cullinan who passed away recently. Mr. Cullinan was an avid skateboarder and frequented the skate park in Prairie Park. Ms. Lengquist and friends would like to put a bench in the Prairie Park in memory of Mr. Cullinan. Money raised through donations will be used to purchase the memorial bench. If there is any money remaining they would like to purchase and plant a tree in Prairie Park. Ms. Lengquist is asking the Parks and Recreation Commission's permission to go ahead with planning for this memorial. Ms. Lengquist has spoken Mr. Cullinan's family and has been given their consent to plan the memorial. City Planner Licht said the next step would be for Ms. Lengquist to meet with City staff to discuss a safe location to put this bench in the Prairie Park and cost and specification information for the benches used by the City. The proposed plan for a memorial would then be brought for formal approval by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. The consensus of the Parks and Recreation Commission was that Ms. Lengquist should proceed to work with City Staff. Mr. Steve Zoubek of Three Rivers Soccer Association presented a check for $500 to the Parks and Recreation Commission for the use of the play fields. Public Works Supervisor Belair asked if they would be looking for other fields or more fields in the 3_` future. Mr. Zoubek said they were looking into more replacement fields as they have loss some to lacrosse. Public Works Supervisor Belair asked Mr. Zoubek if the City put in 3 to 4 new fields, would this meet their demand. Mr. Zoubek stated that yes it would, noting, full size fields are needed. Commissioner Torresani questioned if there was concern of the safety and location of the fields at Prairie Park north of City Hall being so close to 90th Street. There was discussion of adding some type of fence, or adding a "slow" sign. Mr. Zoubek also gave an update on the bluebird houses at Prairie Park that he maintains as part of a Pride in Our Parks program noting they are active nesting. Mr. Zoubek did mention that one of the bird houses located in the back of the park has a broken roof. Public Works Supervisor Belair said that the Public Works Department wil fix that. 5. New Business. 5.1. Home School Softball Club. Ms. Kari Strunc approached the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding a home school softball club. Ms. Strunc said their group would like to start a co-ed softball club ages 3-12 with the use of the ball fields in Prairie Park. They are looking at possibly 100 children split into 4 teams. The ball games would take place at 3100 PM on Sunday afternoons and would not begin until July or August. Public Works Supervisor Belair noted if there is any maintenance, striping of the fields or any fees incurred, they would be charged. Ms. Strunc is requesting that they be recognized as a youth association with no fees for the use of the fields. Commissioner Torresani motioned to recommend the MN Homeschool Youth Athletics Program be recognized as a youth association. Seconded by Vice Chair Bean. All in favor. Motion passed. 5 2 Otsego — Recreation�rogramming work shop. City Planner Licht requested the Parks and Recreation Commission set a work shop to discuss recreation programming. Chair Brumm motioned set a work shop for May 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM to talk about Recreation Programs. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion passed. 6. Unfinished Business. 6 1 Approve Plans and Secs for Prairie Park splash pad. City Planner Licht gave an overview of the plans and specifications for the proposed splash pad at Prairie Park. Total project cost is estimated at $176,955 to be paid from the Community Facilities Park Fund. City staff feels this cost is appropriate and would like the Parks and Recreation Commission to recommend City Council approval at their meeting on May 23, 2011, Chair Brumm questioned the time frame for this project. City Planner Licht said SRF thinks completion of the project will take about a month. Commissioner Torresani motioned to propose the Anchor block for the sitting wall. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion passed. Chair Brumm motioned to approve the Plans and Specifications for Prairie Park splash pad. Seconded by Vice Chair Bean. All in favor. Motion carried. 6 2a pdate re: tennis court at Frankfort Park. City Planner Licht gave an update on the tennis courts at Frankfort Park. The construction of the courts has been delayed due to a layer of clay under the top soil, which is causing the water not to drain out. This not draining properly would cause premature cracking in the asphalt surface of the tennis court. The City Council has directed City staff to drill through the surface clay to allow water to drain. A decision to continue with the tennis court improvements will be made after the soil corrections have been completed and determined to be successful. 7 Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Belair said the City Council has approved hiring six employees for seasonal help. Most of the cleanup of the writing on the skate park has been completed. Additional markings will need to be cleaned up with a different cleaning product and water pressure. Public Works Supervisor noted that the Girl Scouts will be completing their planting project at the Prairie Park Billette sign on the May 19th, 2011 and encouraged Commissioners to stop by and lend a hand. 8. Pride in our Parks. 8mis Coles Martial Arts Monthly Report. The Parks and Recreation Commission received the monthly report from Master Coles. Public Works Supervisor Belair met with Master Coles at the site and noted what a good job he has done. The City Council on May 9, 2011 approved the Pride In Our Parks application for Riverplace residents. Public Works Supervisor Belair contacted them to see what they were interested in doing and will work with them on projects. 9 Update on City Council actions by Council Member Doua Schroeder. Mayor Stockamp noted that the City Council accepted Kari Menzia's resignation, approved the Pride in Our Parks application for Riverplace residents and approved the bids for the Safe Routes to Schools project. 10. Subcommitt ees. a All Sports�Commissioner Torresani). Commissioner Torresani said he looked at the baseball schedule for Otsego's parks and it showed that there are a lot of openings. Could it be possible that maybe softball can have 2 fields instead of one but will discuss this with RAYBA. Commissioner Torresani asked Public Works Supervisor Belair why the bases are taken in and not just left on the fields. Public Works Supervisor Belair stated that it is less maintenance to take and leave them out so they can drag the fields properly but that he would try leaving the bases and having Public Works staff remove them only when doing maintenance. Chair Brumm asked about irrigation at the Otsego Elementary gelds. Mayor Stockamp said she is working with ISD 728 staff to schedule a meeting regarding shared use of these fields and will update the Parks and Recreation Commission at a future meeting. b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean). Vice Chair noted that the Tuesday Mornings In the Park and Wednesday Evenings in the Park are scheduled. The Parks and Recreation Commission requested that this information be listed on the City Website. City Planner Licht said he would follow up on this and noted that the event schedule will be published in the next Otsego View. c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelbera). No Items d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts). No Items e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassady). No Items f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner Brumm). City Planner Licht showed pictures taken at this year's Egg Hunt. 11. Information. 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Torresani motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Adjourned at 8:05PM. Respectfully Submitted: Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing