08-10-11 PRITEM 3_y OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL AUGUST 10, 2011 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. Chair Mike Brumm called the meeting to order at 7v00PM. Roll Call: Chair Mike Brumm, Vice Chair Krista Beans Commission Members; Peter Torresani, Rose Cassady and Kathy Roberts; Absent: Commission Members Susan Krekelberg and Duane Lauseng; City Council; Council Member Doug Schroeder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp City Staff; Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing and Daniel Licht, City Planner. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Torresani requested to add item 5.2. Mississippi River Signs and item 6.2. Prairie Park Memorial Bench. Chair Brumm motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by Vice Chair Bean.. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. July 13, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Cassidy motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum. No Items. 5. New Business. 5.1. Splash pad policy/rules. City Planner Licht said that construction of the splash pad is underway and progress is being made. Concrete is to be poured tomorrow and they are hoping to have water running by next week. City Planner Licht presented the policy and rules for the splash pad at Prairie Park. Commissioners discussed and made changes to the language. Hours of operation have been changed and the splash pad will be open from 9am to 10pm which coincides with the park hours. Food and beverages will be allowed on the sitting wall but not on the splash pad surface. No running in or around the splash pad. Chair Bean motioned to approve the splash pad rules as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2. Mississippi River Signs. City Planner Licht explained the need for no swimming/danger signs at the Kadler Avenue and Nashua Avenue boat landings after the City was made aware of a drowning in the Mississippi River that occurred on August 5, 2011. City Planner Licht said that City Staff and the Wright County Sherriff's department discussed the placement of warning signs regarding the dangers of the river. The sign would show a graphic swimmer with a crossout circle with the word "DANGER" below the picture. Commissioner Torresani questioned why the Parks and Recreation Commission was brought into this and not the Police Commission. City Planner Licht explained that both Kadler Avenue and Nashua Avenue landings are planned as future public landing parks. This will also be brought to the Police Commission. Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve the installation of "No Swimming/Danger signs" at Kadler Avenue and Nashua Avenue boat landings. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Unfinished Business. 6.1, Otseqo Festival Preperations. After discussion, the Parks and Recreation Commission decided not to have a booth at the Otsego Festival. Commissioners discussed the possibility of having the splash pad running at different times to show residents how it functions or to just have it open for use the day of the festival. It was agreed that the splash pad would be open from Spm to 5pm for use that day as long as there were enough volunteers to man the entrances. Chair Brumm scheduled a special meeting on August 22, 2011 at 6:OOPM in Prairie Park for a Splash Pad inspection. 6.2. Prairie Park Memorial Bench. Ms. Sarah Lengquist, a senior at Rogers High School along with her mother Ms. Kim Lengquist presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission a proposal and quote for a granite memorial bench to be installed on a concrete slab near the skate park in Prairie Park. Public Works Supervisor Belair said he would like to see a bigger slab than the one proposed in the quote stating that this would be better for mowing around the bench and enough room to put a trash can near the bench. Commissioner Torresani brought up whether or not this is the type of bench the City wants to approve of now and for future requests of private memorials. Chair Brumm noted that it's a memorial bench and if it stays within the maintenance standards it's ok. City Planner Licht said he did tell the Lengquists that this bench will become City property and the City will maintain it. If the bench deteriorates over time, it will have to be replaced with a standard bench. Commissioner Torresani recommends that the City Council accept the bench donation for Prairie Park. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Public Works Update. Public Works Supervisor Belair said that maintenance continues. Trails to be overlayed this year are in Prairie Park from the City Hall to the porta potty extending to the right of the splash pad, Ohland Avenue NE from County Road 39 to 92nd Street NE, the Bike trail from 85th Street NE to School Knoll Park and the main trail from the school, also noting that the City received an agreement with the School District to overlay the trails within Otsego Elementary to match. Quotes for resurfacing the tennis courts and basketball courts in the parks will be looked into at the next Public Works Subcommittee meeting. A roll test for the tennis court in Frankfort Park is scheduled to take place next week. Public Works Supervisor Belair said that Eagle Scout plantings at the splash pad will take place next Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Mr. Dorvinen is accepting volunteers to help. Repairs to hail damage to park facilities due to July storms will be done as soon as possible. The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed adding sides to the shelter at Prairie Park to block the wind. Public Works Supervisor Belair will obtain quotes for this and bring it to the Parks and Recreation meeting September 14, 2011. 8. Pride in our Parks. 8sla Cole's Martial Arts Monthly Report. Commissioners reviewed the monthly report. 9 Update on Cit�r Council actions by Council Member Doug Schroeder. No Items. 10. Subcommittees. a All Sports (Commissioner Torresani). Commissioner Torresani said that youth football is planning on using the fields this fall for practices only and doesn't think soccer will be using them at all. Mayor Stockamp asked that Commissioner Torresani email the parents of the participants reminding them not to park on the street or on the grass behind the fields, instead to use the parking area on the North side of the 90t" Street. b Communit�Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean). Commissioner Bean will check with Community Ed to see when the next catalog will come out. City Planner Licht said they are waiting for a proposal from the City of Elk River regarding partnering in a recreation program with them noting that this may not happen by January 1, 2012 but programs will still be available to residents. No Items. c Communication Commissioner Krekelbera). d. Pumpkin Patch_(Commissioner Roberts). Commissioner Roberts will contact the Boy Scouts to see if the will volunteer for the Pumpkin Patch again this year. Discussion of whether or not to have the same inflatables they rented last year as there were some safety concerns. Mayor Stockamp will contact US Inflatables and let them know of the concerns. Mayor Stockamp will request they send pictures of other inflatable options and she will email them to the Parks and Recreation Commissioners to see what they want to do. e. Santa Day — (Commissioner Cassadv). No Items. f. Egg Hunt — (Commissioner BI Umm). No Items. 11. Information. 11.1. Update on City Council Actions. Vice Chair Bean questioned the regular absence of certain Commissioners, what the process is if there is any and what action is going to be taken. City Planner Licht replied that City Council has been made aware of the regular absences and is interviewing candidates to fill open seats and alternate positions to ensure that there is adequate representation on the Parks and Recreation Commission. City Planner Licht said that City staff was aware that Commissioner Kreckelberg would have limited availability to attend meetings but encouraged her to remain on the Parks and Recreation Commission to participate in meetings related to recreation programming and a change to the City of Elk River's services. Vice Chair Bean expressed frustration about the absences and lack of communication regarding attendance due to the need to have people present at meetings and at events. Commissioner Roberts agreed. 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Torresani motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:24PM. Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing