10-12-11 PRITEM 3_7
October 12, 2011
7:00 PM
Call to Order. Chair Mike Brumm called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM.
Roll Call: Chair Mike Brumm; Commission Members; Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts,
Susan Krekelberg, Peter Torresani, Jim Kjendle, Triste Freeburg and Charles VonBerg;
Absent: Vice Chair Krista Bean.
City Council; Council Member Doug Schroeder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp.
City Staff; Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing
and Daniel Licht, City Planner.
1. Open Forum:
No Items.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
Commissioner Torresani motioned to approve the agenda as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion carried
3. Consider the Following Minutes:
3.1. September 14, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Roberts motioned to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by Commissioner Kjendle. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business:
4.1. Prairie Park shelter modifications.
City Planner Licht presented the requested quotes for the installation of sidewalls along
a portion of the existing shelter in Prairie Park. The reason for the sidewall addition is
to reduce the amount of wind passing through the shelter. It was noted that there
would be a four (4) foot opening along the west wall due to the location of the
electrical box. City Planner Licht told the commission that another option would be to
install pine trees along those borders as a natural wind break and at a much lesser cost.
Commissioners questioned the types of trees and whether this would block the view of
the playground area. City Planner Licht explained that the trees would block the view
of the parking lot and that of the ball fields. City staff would like input from the Parks
and Recreation Commission as to how they want to precede. Commissioners will wait
until after the Pumpkin Day event to make their decision.
5. New Business.
5.1. Prairie Park Master Plan.
City Planner Licht presented information regarding the Master Plan for Prairie Park
noting that City staff will be working on a Capital Improvement Plan over the next five
(5) years on the City's park and trail system. Commissioners discussed the need for
more shelters in Prairie Park, looking at possibly putting in one big one or a few smaller
ones. The possibility of an ice rink was also discussed. Commissioner Torresani noted
that the Commission should look at these options and discuss whether to put this much
money into improving one park or look at putting in another major park in the City also
noting that the costs will not come through park dedication funds. City Planner Licht
said that City staff will take the comments from tonight and prepare additional
information for review at the November meeting.
5.2. Motion to call a Special Meeting with City Council and Commissioners to
discuss City Logo, brand and marketing on November 14, 2011 at 5:30PM
City Planner Licht gave an explanation as to what the purpose of the meeting is for.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve a Special Meeting with City
Council to discuss the City Logo, brand and marketing on November 14, 2011
at 5:30pm. Seconded by Commissioner Torresm. All in favor. Motion
6. Park Maintenance Update.
Public Works Supervisor Belair reported there is a rust issue on the Splash Pad and that
he is in contact and working with the contractor on getting that contract completed.
The splash pad was scheduled to be closed on Sunday, October 2, 2011 but due to the
warm weather it was kept open until Monday, October 10, 2011. The memorial bench
to be placed near the skate park in Prairie Park is to be delivered and installed this
week. A resident requested the bangboards in Zimmer Park be removed. Public Works
Supervisor Belair noted that these bangboards will be relocated to the north side of the
park. Tennis courts at Frankfort Park have been paved, temporary lines will be put on
in November weather permitting and fencing will be installed this fall. Commissioner
Krekelberg requested that Public Works Supervisor Belair look into the watering
schedule in Frankfort Park as the sprinklers went off at 4:30am on Sunday, October 2r,a
7. Pride in Our Parks_Update.
7 1 Coles Martial Arts School Monthly Report.
Commissioners reviewed the monthly report. Public Works Supervisor Belair noted that
the public works department assisted Master Coles in cleaning up along the river,
removing some concrete and a snowmobile from the river. Discussion of installing signs
reminding residents to clean up after their pets and requested this be published in the
next Otsego View.
Commissioner Krekelberg gave an explanation of what Pride In Our Parks is all about to
the students attending the meeting noting that volunteers are always needed for this
and other events put on by the Parks and Recreation Commission. A possible way to
get more volunteers is to generate a list of things to do in our parks. City Staff will
foHow up with the current Pride In Our Parks contracts.
8. City Council Reports.
Council Member Schroeder had no items. Mayor Stockamp noted that the City Council
is working on the budget at this time and once completed, Finance Director Gary Groen
could come in and present it to the Parks and Recreation in January, 2012.
9. Subcommittees.
a. All Sports (Commissioner Torresani).
Commissioner Torresani noted that the season for sports is coming to an end and will
start getting ready for next year.
b. Community Ed/Ids 728 (Commissioner Bean).
No Items.
c. Communication (Commissioner Krekelbera).
No Items.
d. Pumpkin Patch (Commissioner Roberts).
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Commissioner Roberts reported that the pumpkins will be arriving at 9100am on
Saturday, October 22nd. It was noted that in previous years the commission has
handed out a little over 700 pumpkins with only a few left over. Bob & Judy's this year
was unable to grow the larger pumpkins for the guess the weight game, as he needed
to purchase them from an outside grower. Commissioners discussed whether they
need three (3) pumpkins for this game or could they get by with one (1) this year.
Commissioner Roberts will contact Bob of Bob & Judy's to see if he's already purchased
them. There is a need for volunteers in twelve (12) different areas for that day.
e. Santa DaX — (Commissioner Cassady).
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Commissioner Cassady presented copies of backdrop samples for discussion and
possible purchase for Santa Day. Commissioners discussed and agreed to look for
backdrops more in the size of 20' wide and 10' high. Commissioner Freeburg offered to
assist in the search. It was noted that the photographer has also been lined up for the
f. Egg Hunt — (Chair Brumm).
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Chair Brumm noted that the purchase a couple of bunny outfits will discussed at the next Parks
and Recreation meeting scheduled for November 9, 2011.
10. Adjourn by 10 PM.
Chair Brumm motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner
Cassady. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:32PM.
The next regular Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 7:00 PM
Otsego City Hall.