ITEM 4.1 I94 Corridor CoalitionDEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori ,bhnson, City Administrator February 24, 2014 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori ,bhnson, City Administrator 4.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend continuing membership in the 194 Corridor Coalition in 2014. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: On November 13, 2012, the City Council approved membership in the 194 Corridor Coalition and subsequently directed City Engineer Ron Wagner and me to become more involved in the Coalition. In 2013 Ron Wagner represented Otsego at several transportation/traffic modeling and design meetings with the Coalition, M nDot, and the Met Council. I serve as a member of the Coalition Board and attended many Coalition functions. Additionally, Council Member Tom Darkenwald testified at a House of F;bpresentativesTransportation Committee meeting. Steve Bot, 194 Corridor Coalition Chair, will be at Monday's meeting to answer questions and provide information on the Coalition's future goals. As you know 2013 was a very successful year for the Coalition with the award of funds through the Corridors of Commerce program to complete the first phase of 194 enhancements from Fbgersto County Road 241 in St. Michael. The level of service improvements this project bringswill result in reduced travel time on this section of 194 benefitting Otsego residents and businesses. Additionally, improvements to the transportation system area factor in attracting future development in Otsego. In 2014 the Coalition will continue to focus on identified current enhancement needs. The long range improvements that benefit Otsego such asthe interchanges at Naber and Kadler will probably not happen in the near future; however, planning to accommodate those interchanges and representing Otsego's interests in the planning and design processes is vital to ensuring Otsego's long term plans are not overlooked. The 2013 dueswere funded by the Council Contingency late in 2012. The 2014 dues can be funded several ways. 1. LGA -$65,911 of the expected City's 2014 LGA remains undesignated. 2. Council Contingency allocation. 3. Reserve Funds— The Street Reconstruction and Revolving Capital Equipment funds may be used. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: C ATTACHED X❑ NONE POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Approve payment of 194 Corridor Coalition dues in the amount of $6,250 with funding from the BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES $ 6,250 for 2014 General Fund — Council Contingency Allocation X o NO LGA— Undesignated balance Reserve Fund ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 2014 State of Minnesota Legislative Priorities The 2013 Legislative Session established the Corridors of Commerce program, which paved the way for 1-94 expansion. It's a great start but the Central Minnesota Region continues to grow at an accelerated rate, creating an unbearable stress on our transportation system. The following outlines our priorities to address this critical need. 2014 Legislative Session Priorities: Phase 1 Completion • The expansion project from Hwy. 101 in Rogers to Hwy. 241 in St. Michael faces a few more hurdles that must be cleared before it can begin: o A public hearing for the Metropolitan Council o Public comment periods for the Met Council's Transportation Investment Plan and Transportation Policy Plan. These steps must be approved to ensure the expansion project begins on time. Future Funding far Corridors of Commerce • The Corridors of Commerce program demonstrated a more comprehensive approach to transportation funding than is often promoted. Securing funding for the future of the Corridors of Commerce or similar programs is imperative for continued improvement of I-94. Phase II Expansion of 194 • The Coalition will work with MnDOT District 3 to continue to establish the next logical improvement project along the 1-94 West Corridor. The proposed Managed Lane Study will be of focus for any future project along 1-94 and the Coalition will work to stay involved with the study. Brockton Project • The Coalition will work to assist local leaders with the Brockton Project as its completion benefits I-94 and meets the Coalition's vision of improving the I-94 West Corridor. The 1-94 West Corridor Coalition expects that all decisions relating to transportation funding will be based on factual analyses in a fair and transparent manner with an emphasis on reducing congestion caused by freight and commuter traffic on 1-94. .Any project should be valued based on ROI and merit, rather than political gains. �lap C O R R I D O R 2014 State of Minnesota Legislative Priorities The 2013 Legislative Session established the Corridors of Commerce program, which paved the way for 1-94 expansion. It's a great start but the Central Minnesota Region continues to grow at an accelerated rate, creating an unbearable stress on our transportation system. The following outlines our priorities to address this critical need. 2014 Legislative Session Priorities: Phase 1 Completion • The expansion project from Hwy. 101 in Rogers to Hwy. 241 in St. Michael faces a few more hurdles that must be cleared before it can begin: o A public hearing for the Metropolitan Council o Public comment periods for the Met Council's Transportation Investment Plan and Transportation Policy Plan. These steps must be approved to ensure the expansion project begins on time. Future Funding far Corridors of Commerce • The Corridors of Commerce program demonstrated a more comprehensive approach to transportation funding than is often promoted. Securing funding for the future of the Corridors of Commerce or similar programs is imperative for continued improvement of I-94. Phase II Expansion of 194 • The Coalition will work with MnDOT District 3 to continue to establish the next logical improvement project along the 1-94 West Corridor. The proposed Managed Lane Study will be of focus for any future project along 1-94 and the Coalition will work to stay involved with the study. Brockton Project • The Coalition will work to assist local leaders with the Brockton Project as its completion benefits I-94 and meets the Coalition's vision of improving the I-94 West Corridor. The 1-94 West Corridor Coalition expects that all decisions relating to transportation funding will be based on factual analyses in a fair and transparent manner with an emphasis on reducing congestion caused by freight and commuter traffic on 1-94. .Any project should be valued based on ROI and merit, rather than political gains. s ,Wrest Chamber or Commerce 2014 Session Priorities Tuesday, February 25, 2013 :: 4 pm to 9 pm Saint Paul RiverCentre Cost: $95 Join us at Session Priorities, the premier kickoff event to the 2014 Legislature. As is tradition, Governor Mark Dayton and the four legislative leaders will be invited to present their legislative priorities. Gain the practical know-how on how to advance your priorities. Network with business and public -policy leaders from across the state. Engage in building your bottom line. AGENDA 4:00-5:30 p.m. ISSUE BRIEFING We face another challenging year at the Legislature. Find out how you can ADVOCATE for your priorities with your elected officials. 5:00-6:30 p.m. RECEPTION This is a great opportunity to CONNECT firsthand with public -policy leaders from across the state. Let them know what's necessary to keep Minnesota companies competitive in the global economy. 6:45 p.m. OPENING ADDRESS Governor Mark Dayton has been invited to speak. Hear his priorities for ensuring that Minnesota has a strong business environment for the benefit of all Minnesotans. 7:00-8:00 p.m. DINNER 8:00-9:00 p.m. PROGRAM Our priorities remain focused on how to GROW jobs. Find out how the legislative leadership aligns with your concerns. 9:00 p.m. ADJOURN RSVP by Monday, February 17th S(JIIUIIlwI74WCSIC:IIUIII{JCI.UICa .. (JfIVIIC 100-410-17L1 .. IUA /w- -7VVV Your name: Email address: Attendees: Company: PAYMENT:: Check Enclosed :: VISA :: MasterCard Credit card number: Signature: 3 -digit code: 5 -digit billing zip code: Expiration date: 1:54 PM 02/06/14 Accrual Basis 1-94 Vilest Corridor Coalition Balance Sheet As of January 31, 2014 Page 1 Jan $1, 14 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 21st Century Bank 21,913.08 Interest Earned 5.12 Total Checking/Savings 21,918.20 Total Current Assets 21,918.20 TOTAL ASSETS 21,918.20 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Unrestricted Net Assets 6,938.70 Net Income 14,979.50 Total Equity 21,918.20 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 21,918.20 Page 1 1;48 PM 1-94 West Corridor Coalition 02106/14 Profit & Goss YTD Comparison Accrual Basis January 2014 Ordinary income/Expense Income Direct Public Support Corporate Contributions Direct Public Support , Other Total Direct Public Support Total Income Expense Contract Services 'Dotal Expense 'Net Ordinary Income Net Income Jan 14 Jan 14 250,00 250.00 17,479.50 17,479.50 17,729,50 17,729,50 17,729.50 17,729.50 2,750A0 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 14,979.50 14,979.50 14,979.50 14,979.50 Page 1 1:49 PM 02/06/14 Accrual Basis 1-94 West Corridor Coalition Profit & Loss prev Year Comparison January through December 2013 Jan - Dec 13 Jan - Dec 12 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Direct Public Support Corporate Contributions Individ, Business Contributions Direct Public Support - Other Total Direct Public Support Transfer from 1-94 West Chamber Total Income Expense Business Expenses Business Registration Fees Business Expenses • Other Total Business Expenses Contract Services Accounting Fees Outside Contract Services Contract Services - Other Total Contract Services Operations Books, Subscriptions, Reference Printing and Copying Total Operations Website Website Maintenance Total Website Total Expense Net.Ordinary Income Net Income $ Change % Change 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 100.0% 250.00 0.00 250.00 100.0% 29,778.00 6,250.00 23,528.00 376.5% 33,528,00 6,250,00 27,278.00 436.5% 0.00 9,430.13 -9,430.13 -100.0% 33,528.00 15,680,13 17,847.87 113.8% 850.00 107.88 742.12 687.9% 62.50 0.00 52.50 100.0% 902.50 107.88 794.62 736.6% 700.00 0.00 700.00 100.0% 24,750.00 0.00 24,750,00 100.0% 2,750.00 0.00 2,750.00 100.0% 28,200.00 0.00 28,200.00 100.0% 220,00 0.00 220,00 100,0% 11,339,05 0.00 11,339.05 100.0% 11,559.05 0.00 11,559.05 100.0% 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.0% 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.0% 42,161.55 107.88 42,053.67 38,981.9% -8,633.55 15,572.25 -24,205.80 -155,4% 8,633.55 15,572.25 -24,205.80 -155.4% Page 1 ti a) a)) b4 d O LL C C a) N N .1 + � ar L7 C N bA O >1 Il d-✓ Ln E 0 :3 O (fi O O Ca c8 U d — Ln u 0 a) -O a) U N (V °O � of Itt b4 m b a� a) o M a) cn > N M ^ Q ,G O u E Q O d ( V C) LO Q � r!y CE3 G N d e�# d CL d d 4-1 y ®_ LL v > Q d -d O C6 O d �P dCe N < O to =3ccs >d> 7 4- U) NO U O a) to CL N 4- O r- O�Q O O OO a) ,. 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