ITEM 3.4B OPC 1.14.2014 MinutesITEM 3-48 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission - January 14, 2014 Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek, John Noll, Lisa Fahey, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka and Gail Anderson. Dan Licht, City Planner, and appearance by Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Meeting called to order at 6:10pm. Minutes for the last meeting were approved unanimously. Addition to the agenda was a discussion about who wishes to be delegates to the National Meeting of the AASLH Conference. Discussion about the AASLH Meeting Budget scholarship application: Two people can go under the scholarship for the Conference September 17-20, 2014. Deadline is April 11 for the scholarship application. It was agreed that Lisa Fahey and John Noll will go. Dan Licht agreed to submit the application. Names for new parks were chosen by the Park & Recreation Commission: Carrick Waterfront Park and Davis Preserve Park. Commissioners were pleased with their choices. Revision of City history books for reprinting: We decide to revise the cemetery book first. Kim Welter is willing to design the new cover. Lisa will type and do the binding. Gail and Toni will interview Harlan Rask regarding the persons buried since the last cemetery book. Toni and Gail interviewed Norm Schwanbeck and his wife who have many memories about the Otsego era from 1930's on. Norm's mother was a Davis, an early family in Otsego history. Toni and Gail will go back to scan pictures they possess. History signs for the Parks are in process with Dan Licht and the City awaiting a new funding cycle. Formal meeting adjourned at 7pm. A work session then ensued for Commissioners to put items in the remodeled OHPC history office into some order. Next meeting is February 11 at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder