RES 14-13CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2014-13 RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 OPERATING BUDGETS WHEREAS, on December 9, 2013 the Otsego City Council held a public meeting at which citizens were invited to comment on the proposed property tax levy and resulting operating budgets for the 2014 fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THAT: the following sums of money be allotted for the operation of City business in the various funds of the City during the 2014 fiscal year as follows: GENERAL FUND: General Fund Revenues: Property Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Service Interest Revenue Cable Franchise Fee Other Revenues Revenues General Fund Expenditures: General Government Public Safety Public Works Culture & Recreation Economic Development Transfers Expenditures SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: Storm Water In -District Fund Revenues Storm Water In -District Fund Expenditures Storm Water Out -of -District Fund Revenues Storm Water Out -of -District Fund Expenditures $ 3,273,715 40,100 316,611 65,650 100,000 105,000 143.736 $ 4,044,812 $ 1,159,519 1,309,250 1,015,740 482,602 11,790 65.911 $ 4.044,812 $ 73,800 $ 63,000 $ 25,000 $ 21,240 Street Light District Fund Revenues $ 26,700 Street Light District Fund Expenditures $ 13,880 Building Safety Fund Revenues $ 517,200 Building Safety Fund Expenditures $ 252,796 DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service Fund Revenues $ 2,705,019 Debt Service Fund Expenditures $ 2,705,019 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Fund Revenues $ 1,188,875 Water Fund Expenditures $ 1,328,202 Sewer Fund Revenues $ 1,233,900 Sewer Fund Expenditures $ 2,393,599 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10t` day of February, 2014. MOTION made by Council Member Heidner and SECONDED by Council Member Schroeder. IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Heidner, Darkenwald, Warehime, Schroeder OPPOSED: None ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO myA • ,