The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission meeting was called to order
by Chair, JoySwe_nson, on Thursday evening, October 26, 1995 at 7:00 o'clock at
the Otsego City Hall.
Members present: Joy Swenson, Elaine Norin, Arlene Holen, Janet
-Bridgland;.. Joanie Nichols, and Frieda Lobeck.
Members absent: Norman Schwanbeck and a representative from the City
Lu LuConic, building supervisor for City Hall, sat in occasionally.
Minutes were read with following corrections: Larry England rather than
Kevin Cedarquist is contact person at Buffalo Tech Center. Also in paragraph
number nine the wording "help editing" should be deleted and again the name of
Larry England should be substituted for Keven Cedarquist. In the next paragraph
Wright County Historical Society should be inserted in the blank. On the third
page, Joanie Nichols was the"Acting Secretary"who prepared the minutes.
There being no further corrections or additions coming forth, Elaine
Norin moved the corrected minutes be accepted and approved and Arlene Holen
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Minutes of our Special Meeting of October 17, 1995 were read. Joanie
Nichols moved they be accepted and approved and Janet Bridgland seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
Elaine has a rubber stamp made up for "Acquistion of Property" reading
On the Great River Road
Joy Swenson said the video recorded at our first Heritage Day will be
taken care of at Buffalo Tech Center. Someone at Heritage Day asked about
our newsletter "Otsego View" if it could be subscribed to. Joy thought the
City -Office_ would mail out copies. Joy will talk to the City Office about it.
We need more advertising of our cause and more information.
We feel our first Heritage Day was a success. We had 103 people attending
and many asked if this would be an annual affair. Many approved and were glad
for the event, but we need more help -- manual help. The video we attempted
showing in our meeting room did not turn out so well so far as hearing it -
too much noise and commotion. Lots to think about and consider for next time.
Jacquie Rognli's son is working for his Eagle Scout and said he would be
willing to do whatever he can to help him toward this achievement. Elaine' said
she has askdd him to help with cemetery records -- reading the inscriptions on
the stones and markers and recording all the information for our records.
He can help with the boards for our displays and pictures, fastening the boards
together, etc.
We were pleased with the mentions our day got from the"Wright County
Journal Press"and "The Drummer" , but the Sherburne paper was quite negligent
in covering our day -- -- in fact, we had no representatives from them.
It was the concensus that we will have another day next year, but hope
to have it a bit earlier -- probably latter part of September or early in October.
We do not yet have our completed By -Laws after corrections were made.
Joy said she would check with the City Office.
Our Government Status papers are ready for mailing and will be taken
care of.
Joanie and Norman attended the Visioning Meeting -- not too much on
Since the Thanksgiving Holiday falls on our Thursday meeting night, we
will hold our November meeting the following Thursday, November 30, 1995 at
7:00 PM at City Hall.
Because the Secretary and Arlene had to leave before the end of the
meeting, Joanie Nichols.continued taking notes of any further business to
be transacted.
Respectfully submitted
Frieda Lobeck