April 1996 ITEM- Boy ScoutPeter Rognli 8928 Ohland Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 441-7239 April 25, 1996 Dear Otsego Histoirit Preservation Commission, I am planning a service project for my Eagle Scout rank. I have talked with Elaine Norin about working on the Otsego Cemetery. A copy of my proposed project is attached. I would appreciate your support and approval. Sincerely, Peter Rognli Boy Scout Troop 90 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Concept Describe the project you plan to do, I plan to do field research and restoration on the historic Otsego Cemetery. The city cemetery has burials dating back to the 1850s and includes veterans of the Civil War and the Sioux Uprising. Historic records of the cemetery are incomplete and contain conflicting information. The Otsego Historic Preservation Commission would like somebody to do field research to verify where the people are buried. In order to accomplish this I would be recruiting and coordinating volunteers to map out the plots, to verify stone markers, documenting with camera and stone rubbings. I will also coordinate volunte&fto prune plants that obstruct grave markers and level some markers. What group will it benefit? The community of Otsego and the Otsego Historic Name of religious insutuuon, acnoow or commumry Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, NN 55330 My project will be of benefit to the group because: This project will help the Otsego Historic Preservation Commission have a more accurate record o(the burial sites and provide them with supporting data. It would help the community because t* is a prominent historic landmark in the city and a source of community pride. It would help people locate the sites of deceased relatives. The concept was discussed with my unit leader on Date The project concept was discussed with Elaine Norin Name Otsego Historic Preservation Commissioner Title 612-295-2019 Phone number f Otsego Historic Preservation Commission February 19, 1996 Religious Institution, school, or community Date PLANNING DETAILS Plan your work by describing the present condition, the method, materials to be used, project helpers, and a time schedule for carrying out. Present Condition The cemetery has overgrown brush, some of the headstones are tipped, brokdn, loose, and buried. There are three different maps and record books that are not all in agreement. , Method Recruit volunteers, work with the Otsego Historic Preservation Commission, and city of Otsego to work on restoration and updating the records. Materials Restoration Tools & Materials Pruning egtd*ent Edging tools_ Shovels Crow bars Sand Wheelbarrows Mapping Tools Tape measures Compasses Charcoal Tissue Paper Camera Film Copies of existing maps & records Project Helpers I will be working with the Historic Preservation Commission on the mapping and records. I will recruit volunteer Boy Scouts and adults from Troop 90 to work on the restoration. Time Schedule February - May, 1996 Preliminary work with Historic Preservation Commission to plan and write project; Submit project proposal to District Eagle Board. May - June, 1996 Schedule volunteers. June - August, 1996 Carry out plan. 'Do cemetery cleanup first, followed by mapping and • recording plots. August - September, 1996 Final project report. Approval Signatures Project plans approved by Religiow institution, school, or commmunity Date Project plans approved by Date scoutmaster/Coach/Advisor Project plans approved by Unit committee Date Project plans approved byCoDate ' uncil or district advancement committee YOU MAY NOW PROCEED TO CARRY OUT YOUR PROJECT.