02-07-97 Historical SocietyFebruary 7, 1997 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ms. Joy Swenson, Project Director 9484 95th Street NE Monticello, MNinnesota 55330 Re: Historic Contexts Project MHS Application No: 1949F -97 -WR Dear Ms. Swenson: The City's request for a Certified Local Government grant will be considered at a meeting of the Minnesota Historical Society's Grants Review Committee that begins at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, 1997. The Committee will meet at the James J. Hill House, 240 Summit Avenue in St. Paul. Parking is available on the street. Please note the change in date and location. You, or someone selected to speak on your behalf, are invited to attend and make a five-minute presentation regarding your grant application. Those who have traveled some distance will be heard first. If you are unable to attend, please be assured that your application will still be given careful consideration. The Grants Review Committee will not make its recommendations for awards until all applicants represented have had an opportunity to make a presentation. The award of CLG grants will depend on approval of the Committee's recommendations by the State Historic Preservation Officer. Please let me know whether you plan to. attend the meeting on March 20. If you have any questions about the Committee's procedures or about your grant application, feel free to call me at (612) 296-5451. Sincerely, Michael Koo Historic Preservation Program Specialist cc: Ms. Elaine Beatty City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Mrs. Joy Swenson HPC Chair, City of Otsego 9484 95th Street NE Monticello, MN 55362 315 K FI.IA) 3;(; 1301 1.1:A \RI) \\ i!�-;i' l S \[M 1'\1 L. llI'\ P)Ii I� , VVIT111III)11,': 612-'296-h 12 6 GREAT RIVER BRANCH 8885 Payable through: 1, 1 61 State SBank and Trust Company CIO MARY E ERNHART Boston, Massachusetts 02101 201 NORFOLK AVE 5.2 ELK RIVER, MN 55330 1514 , / i 19� % 0 PAY TO THE 6 jOd ORDER OFUc! �DOLLARS LLFOR- L ooD ASMOPT'Mwac ACCOUNT MARKEAn T FUND apolis, MN 55440.9188��,y 000 2811: 1161 98030061 O 511'04 5 CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NE NASHUA AVE. ELK RIVER, MN 55330 i (812) 441-4414 �r 0.■��,,.� ' mdress Qty. Description I Price ( Amount Allclaint it ods MUST be.iccomoari6d by this Tax e / `� Total �r / 2047