02-27-97 OHPC MINCITY OF OTSEGO - Heritage Preservation Commission
Meeting - Thursday, February 27, 1997
Otsego City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by Chr. Joy Swenson. Members present:
Ron Black (newly appointed), Arlene Holen (Newly appointed as alternate), Frieda
Lobeck, Joan Nichols, Elaine Norin, Norm Schwanbeck and Joy Swenson. Janet
Bridgland was absent; working out of town. CM Virginia Wendel was introduced
as the new City Council representative. Former representative, CM Suzanne
Ackerman was also present. Joy announced that CM Mark Berning was appointed as
the alternate. She announced that new Commission members are now appointed to
four year terms..
Minutes of the December 19, 1996 meeting were read by the secretary. Norm
moved to approve; second by Joan; motion carried. There were no minutes for
January as the meeting was canceled by Chr. Swenson.
Norm reported that the $500.00 check from Lutheran Brotherhood granted for
producing the book "Otsego - In The Beginning - 1852 to 1880" was received by
the City. Joy stated that the $500.00 from Wright -Hennepin Electric Foundation
had been received in December.
Small size notepaper and envelopes with the city logo imprinted are now avail-
able for use as "thank you" notes from the commission.
Joy read from the City Council minutes a presentation by Jeff Bartheld regiit!s-
ting approval to move the old town hall to the Prairie Park area and restore
the building. The Council approved that they proceed with the project and keep
the city council informed as they go along. Joy reported that about $1200.00
from the former "Otsego Vision" committee had been given to the Parks and Rec.
Commission for this project. Ron reported that Jeff had recently told him
that the Conditional Use Permit has not yet been obtained and that moving of
the building is held up by weather. A lengthy discussion followed concerning
restoration and future use of the building.
Joy announced the MHS workshop for Heritage Preservation Commissions May 14 and
15 in St. Paul and encouraged members to plan to attend. Expenses for this
type of activity are approved in our budget.
Joy reported that she and Janet with assistance from Mike Koop of MHS had com-
pleted the application for a $5000.00 Federal grant to fund a "context study"
of Otsego by a professional. A copy is available at City Hall. The hearing
will be March 20 at the Hill House in St. Paul.
Elaine stated that 21 of the original 100 books are left to sell. She repor-
ted that Mary Bakeman of Park Genealogical Books requested 6 copies. She would
pay our price of $15.00 each plus postage, list it in their catalog and set
their own price. Norm moved to accept her offer; second by Ron; motion carried.
Elaine agreed to wrap and mail the books. Norm asked if Joy had sent a book to
John Pepin as agreed at the November meeting; Joy will check her records. Books
were also to be sent to Paul LaPlant and David Humphrey.
Joan nominated Joy for chairman. Arlene nominated Norm for vice-chr. Frieda
nominated Joan for secretary. Ron moved to close nominations. All elected by
unanimous vote.
Virginia showed the 1931 atlas of Wright county with plat maps.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35.
Elaine Norin, Secretary