03-27-97 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Thursday, March 27,1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by chair Joy Swenson. Members present were Arlene Holen, Frieda Lobeck, Joanie Nichols, Elaine Norin, Ron Black, and Janet Bridgland. Norm Schwanbeck was absent. Council Member Virginia Wendel attended. Pam Kovnicka was a guest. FRIEDA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 1997 MEETING. SECONDED BY ARLENE, MOTION CARRIED. Joy received the 1996 Minnesota Historical Society annual report on Historic Preservation Field Services and Grants Dept. The report listed the Minnesota Cities with CLG status and showed what other areas are doing. Joy reported the MHS workshop for Heritage Preservation Commissions will be held May 14 and 15 at the Landmark Center in St. Paul. Ron, Joy and Joanie want to attend. Frieda, Elaine and Janet were interested and need to let Joy know before reservations need to be made. Janet and Joy reported on the MHS Grants committee which was attended by Janet, Joy and Joanie. Janet made a presentation before the grants committee. Our grant was approved. The grant money will be available July 1, 1997. We need to put together a request for proposal. Joy has an example of the Historic Context Study for Little Falls. Ours will have some similarities but will also have some differences. We will need someone with a background in history and archeology. We may have some archeological sites. An early study by the State (Mississippi River Management Plan from St. Cloud to Anoka adopted 1976) only mentioned five archeological sites. Joy reported an Oral History Workshop coming up April 21 at the Heritage Center in Buffalo. Jim Fogarty will be the speaker. It's free and they'd like those interested in attending to make reservations. Pam Konvicka presented information on Picktin Press and Heritage Book News. Picktin Press prints on acid free paper. Pam encouraged us to professionally publish "Otsego in the Beginning". The commission took no action. after a brief discussion Elaine Norin received the picture of David Humphrey in the mail. She said the next Otsego View article will be about Dr. Borthwick and Dr. Humphrey. Elain and Joanie will set up a display at City Hall. RON MOVED TO ADOPT THE AMENDED BYLAWS OF THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION. SECONDED BY FRIEDA. MOTION .CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron mentioned that the public hearing regarding the CUP to move the old town hall will be held on the lst Wednesday of April . Ron also asked what the commission can do to flag areas of interest to the public. He'd like to get these on the record. CM Virginia Wendel reported on the Blandin Foundation Community Leadership Program. A steering committee meeting will be held on April 3 at 7 PM. They are looking for 8 to 10 people from Albertville, Otsego and St. Michael to recruit people to apply to attend the Blandin Foundation Leadership retreat. Elaine moved to adjourn, Ron seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary