07-24-97 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Thursday, July 24, 1997 Vice CHAIR Norm Schwanbeck called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM. Janet Bridgland, Joanie Nichols, Elaine Norin, Frieda Lobeck and Arlene Holan were present. Joy Swenson and Ron Black had excused absences. Council Member Virginia Wendel attended. The fifth paragraph of the June 1997 minutes was corrected to read August 10, 1997 for the date of the Elk River Parade. JANET MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED OF THE JUNE, 1997 MEETING, SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED. Janet Bridgland presented a draft of the OHPC five year plan 1997-2002 and asked that com���ission members review it and call her with comments. Elaine said Peter Rongli's work for the cemetery is complete. Elaine said several people were disappointed that Heritage Day would be cancelled for 1997. She volunteered to coordinate the event if everyone was in agreement that it could be done with a simpler lunch and program. ELAINE MOVED WE HOLD OTSEGO HERITAGE DAY ON OCTOBER 5,1997 FROM NOON TO 4:00 PM. SECONDED BY JANET. MOTION CARRIED. Elaine said the cemetery book would be ready to print soon and suggested we sell them at Otsego Heritage Day. She suggested printing 100 copies. Janet wanted to give some thought to the print run. Elaine explained there is a price break for a minimum of 100 copies but no price break for print runs under 100 copies. Elaine said the book would be half the length of "Otsego In The Beginning ". The committee discussed selling the books for $10.00 each. ELAINE MOVED WE PRODUCE 100 COPIES OF THE CEMETERY BOOK. SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED. Elaine commented that the July 1st storm made history and we should gather pictures and newspaper articles. Joanie reported on Otsego Fun Day and will bring ideas to the next meeting for the 1998 Otsego Fun Day. Norm stated he would like to document the new additions as property develops in Otsego Janet moved to adjourn, Frieda seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary