09-25-97 OHPC MINOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING 25 September 1997 7:00 pm at the Otsego City Hall AGENDA o Approval of August minutes 9 CLG Gant - letters to candidates for survey s Heritage Day- October 5, 1997 9Cemetery Book e Cemetery National Register application e Other business a Ajourn Nett Meeting - 23 October 1997 7;00 pm at the Otsego City Mall 0IIPC-48. WPS City of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Thursday, SEPTEMBER 25, 1997 CHAIR Joy Swenson called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM. Joanie Nichols, Elaine Norin, Ron Black, Frieda Lobeck, Norm Schwanbeck and Arlene Holan were present. Janet Bridgland had an excused absence. Council Member Virginia Wendel stopped while on a break from a special meeting the council members were attending. RON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST, 1997 MEETING. SECONDED BY NORM. MOTION CARRIED. Joy reported on the CLG Grant and the context study. Letters went out to four candidates for requests for proposals. Janet had called those we sent letters to be sure they were interested. The candidates have until October 18,199 7 to submit their RFP. Norm and Ron stated they wanted the commission to interview the candidates. Elaine reported on Otsego Heritage Day. The letters went out, programs printed, press releases went out and paid ads will appear on the Monticello paper and the Star News. Elaine reported on the cemetery book One hundred copies cost $613.17. Binder and impression image went up. RON MOVED WE CHARGE $10.00 PER BOOK. SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED. The commission discussed that free copies of the cemetery book should be given to the following: Wright County Historical Society Sherburne County Historical Society Minnesota Historical Society Elk River Library Monticello Library Buffalo Library Park Genealogical Books Harlan Rask Della Anderson Peter Rongli City of Otsego -one for the office Elaine Norin RON MOVED FREE COPIES BE SENT TO THOSE ON THE ABOVE LIST. SECONDED BY NORM. MOTION CARRIED. Norm volunteered to control inventory of the books. Ron offered to help. Joy reported on the Cemetery National Register Application. She received the form and book of instructions. Janet will fill it out and submit it. There is a lot of information requested. Virginia mentioned someone may be interested in purchasing the Peavey/MacDonald house. The consensus of the commission was that any decision on that should be delayed until after our context study is completed. NORM MOVED WE WRITE A MEMO TO THE CITY COUNCIL STATING THE CONSENSUS OF THE COMMISSION. FRIEDA SECONDED. Ron offered to write the memo. Elaine gave Arlene and Frieda oral history tapes of Alvah and Julia Hamlet. They will try to transcribe them. RON MOVED TO ACCEPT A TRANSCRIBER WHICH FRIEDA WISHED TO DONATE. NORM SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Ron moved to adjourn, Norm seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. y Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary 2 CITY OF TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 Date: 12 October 1997 To: The Otsego Mayor and Council Subject: Proposed Five Year Plan for the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Attached for your review and approval is a copy of the proposed Five year Plan outlining preservation activities and goals for the City of Otsego as approved by the Commission in its September meeting. You will notice that the plan includes use of part of the historic townsite containing the McDonald/Peavey property, the original town hall, and the school/township hall building. The Commission is in the process of hiring a specialist to perform a historic context survey of the City of Otsego. We would recommend that no action be taken on use/reuse or moving of any of the city owned property until completion and evaluation of the context survey. We will keep you informed as the work progresses. Joy Swenson, OHPC Chair OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION FIVE-YEAR PLAN 1997 - 2002 nRAFT The purposes of the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission (OHPC) are to: A. Safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving sites and structures which reflect elements of the City's cultural, social, economic, political, visual or architectural history; B. Promote the preservation and continued use of historic sites and structures for the education and general welfare of the people of the City, C. Foster civic pride in the beauty and notable accomplishments of the past; and D. Stabilize and improve City property values. (City of Otsego Ordinance No. 94-9, Section 751 1. HISTORIC CONTEXT STUDY July 1997 - June 1998) OHPC has received a matching grant from the Minnesota Historical Society to undertake a historic context study to serve as the basis for developing a comprehensive plan for historic preservation. The study, to be performed by a professional contract historian, will assist in the identification, registration, and treatment (protection) of architectural and archaeological properties as well as significant cultural landscape features. It will guide efforts in preserving the historic rural character of Otsego and serve as a baseline for guiding future planning and development activities. 2. ORAL HISTORY INTERVIEWS (ongoing) OHPC has conducted interviews with members of many families who have resided in Otsego since its early days. Another 15-20 people have been identified who should be scheduled for interviews while this is still possible. Interviews should also be held with all past and present City Council members. Other candidates will be proposed by OHPC and solicited periodically through The Otsego View. Audio tapes of most of the interviews held to date still need to be transcribed into print for ease of access and preservation purposes. Future interviews will also require transcription. OHPC currently has two volunteers willing to assist in this effort. Additional help will be solicited vie The Otsego View and the Wright County Historical Society's Heritage Herald. If this is insufficient to keep up with demand, modest funding may be requested to hire someone to transcribe these tapes on an occasional basis. 3. PUBLICATIONS Publications under consideration by OHPC include the following: 1) a Heritage Commission brochure, explaining its purpose and activities (1997) 2) continued preparation of "Historical Highlights" for The Otsego View 3) a booklet of "Historical Highlights" columns published to date (Fall 1997, in conjunction with Heritage Day (see #4 below) 4) a publication, with maps, on Otsego cemetery (Fall 1997) 5) Otsego 1880 - Present (date to be determined) 4. PUBLIC EVENTS 1) Heritage Day Following on the success of the past two Heritage Days, OHPC is continuing the format and frequency of this event, to ensure that it continues to enjoy the same level of community interest and support. 2) Elk River Parade OHPC will continue to participate in the annual Elk River Parade. S. ARCHIVAL MATERIALS OHPC will organize and index existing documents, photographs and related materials in its possession for improved access by all interested parties. (Fall 1997) It will solicit additional materials of relevance to the history of Otsego via The Otsego View, oral history interviews, and other channels as appropriate. (ongoing) 6. EDUCATION PROGRAMS 1) Schools and Libraries (1998-1999) OHPC will contribute to knowledge in the community about Otsego's history by distributing its brochure and other publication to local schools and libraries. It will also investigate the possibility of providing short presentations to these institutions. 2) Display in City Hall (ongoing) OHPC will maintain and periodically rotate the contents of its display at City Hall to vary the information presented and conform with accepted preservation standards. Materials may also be solicited from members of the community for temporary exhibitions. 3) Otsego City Council and Commissions (occasional) OHPC will volunteer to give short presentations on pertinent activities to City Council and other City Commission as appropriate. For example, an update on the historic context study could be provided at a mid -point in the project. 7. BUILDINGS AND SITES In conformity with purposes A & B cited in City Ordinance No. 94-9, Section 75 and guided by the historic context study (#1 above), OHPC will examine the feasibility of restoration and use of various structures and sites in Otsego deemed to be historic, and will apply for any appropriate designations. These will include, but are not limited to: Making application for inclusion of the Otsego Cemetery the National Register of Historic Places (1997) The McDonald/Peavey House The Old Town Hall Re -use of land where Old Town Hall is currently situated Posting of signage to indicate historic sites and properties Note: This plan will be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis. (July 1997)