10-23-97 OHPC MINOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING 23 October 1997 7:00 pm at the Otsego City Hall AGENDA • Approval of September minutes • CLG Grant - Update • Heritage Day - Evaluation Cemetery Book • McDonald / Peavey House Other business • Adjourn Next Meeting - 20 November 1997 7:00 pm at the Otsego City Hall OHPC-51. WPS CITY OF TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 October 20, 1997 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers, You have charged the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission by ordinance with several responsibilities. The principal responsibility is to safeguard the heritage of the City of Otsego by preserving sites and structures which reflect the elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political, visual or architectural history. In response to the Council's directive the Commission secured certified local government status. Thus enabling the City to apply for funding of preservation activities from the Minnesota Historical Society. In March 1997, Otsego was awarded a grant by the Minnesota Historical Society to conduct a historical context study that will assist in identifying significant archictectural properties and cultural landscape features located in Otsego. The study will also serve as a framework for guiding future planning activities with our rapidly growing community. Several years ago a public spirited family and a forward thinking Township Board of Supervisors reached an agreement whereby a priceless cultural and historic community treasure was sold to the public body of Otsego at a price substantially less than market. That public asset is commonly known as the McDonald/Peavey house. The Commission has been advised that inquiries have been made to the City about the McDonald/Peavey property being sold back to private interests. We wish to remind the Council that the Commission and the residents are vitally concerned with the quality of life here in the city. One of the measures of the quality of life is not by how much or how little spending the city does, but where it allocates the scarce resources it has. The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission respectfully requests that any overtures at this time to sell the McDonald/Peavey property be rejected out of hand. We will be prepared to present long range plans for use of the McDonald/Peavey property together with the old Town Hall/School site upon completion of the context study sometime next year. Respectfully, Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission City of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Thursday, Octobcr 23, 1997 CHAIR Joy Swenson called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. Joanic Nichols, Elaine Norin, Ron Black, Frieda Lobcck, Norm Schwanbeck, Janet Bridgland and Arlene Holan were present. Council Member 1`.'Iark Berning attended. . RON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER, 1997 MEETING. SECONDED BY FRIEDA, MOTION CARRIED. Joy reported on the CLG Grant and the context study. Hoisington Preservation Consultants and Robert C. Vogel & Associates submitted proposals for the historic context study. The commission members will review the proposals for one week. Janet and Joy said Hoisington hada strong background in architectural preservation and Vogel had -a strong background in archeology, anthropology and geography. RON MOVED THAT JOY POLL THE COMMISSION MEMBERS BY PHONE BY. OCTOBER 30,1997 FOR THEIR CHOICE OF FIRM FOR THE CONTEXT STUDY. SECONDED BY ELAINE. ALL APPROVED. Elaine reported on Otsego Heritage Day. We served 82 people. Joy turned in $117.00 to the City and was reimbursed $124:64. This event cost $7:64. Elaine suggested expanding our displays in the future. Ron suggested showing pictures with the location indicated on maps.. Elaine thought the maps could be used for pictures her and Norm took. People enjoyed. visitingat Heritage Day and liked the nice brochure. Press coverage for Heritage Day was good. Norm reported on the cemetery book inventory. He sold 28, twelve were given away as decided at the September meeting and an additional four more arc with City Hall. There are fifty-six copies left. Paul LuPlant died in June of 1996 at the age of ninety-one. Arlene told Paul's daughter we'd send a copy of the transcription of his oral history interview. FRIEDA MOVED THAT JOY BRING ALL OF THE DATA ON PAUL LAPLANT TO CITY HALL. RON SECONDED. ALL APPROVED. Maureen Galvin from Wright County Historical Society suggested we print more copies Of "Otsego in the Beginning". Joy thought it would be Worth while if they would sell within. two years. Ron thought we should see haw the cernete, y book sales ga and look at reordering "in the Beginning" books for Heritage Day 1998. Norm and Joy thought the books should be reordered now. NORM MOVED WE PRINT FIFTY MORE COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL "OTSEGO - IN THE BEGINNING". RON SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED 6 TO 1 WITH RON OPPOSING. Ron and Joy gave a brief history on the McDonald /Peavey house. It was built about 1857. The Peavey family offered the house to the City at below market rate. The house was to be for the public. The City acquired the property that consists of 5 to 8 acres. The City is renting the property so the City does pay real estate taxes even though the property is owned by the public. The letter to the Mayor and Council members from the OHPC regarding the McDonald/Peavey House was reviewed and it will be sent. Joy said the Wright County Heritage Center is offering an Oral History Interview Seminar (strictly on video tape interviews) on November 13, 1997 from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. Reservations are needed. Norm moved to adjourn, Janet seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary 2