01-08-98 OHPC ContextJAN - 81998 i PROGRESS REPORT NO. 1 OTSEGO HISTORIC CONTEXT STUDY TO: Otsego HPC FROM: Robert C. Vogel, Historic Preservation Consultant DATE: 5 January 1998 This report briefly summarizes project work completed between 24 November and 31 December 1997: 1. I received authorization to procced with the historic context study from the City Administer on 24 November and met with the HPC on 18 December 1997 to discuss project goals and administration. 4 2. A Monthly Progress Report Form for December 1997 has been submitted to the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) Grants Office, as required by the CLG grant agreement. 3. After completing initial background research in the files of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), I carried out a cursory "windshield" survey of Otsego, noting the general distribution and character of buildings, farms and neighborhoods. I also reviewed books and reports compiled by the Otsego HPC and assembled USGS topographic maps, city street maps, soil maps, and air photos. 4. Because the purpose of the historic context study is to define broad patterns of historical development within the city limits, I have started research in published histories of Otsego and Wright County, as well as general works on the history, archaeology, geography and environment of the region. A preliminary list of sources consulted is attached to this report. 5. A preliminary list of local historic contexts has been developed (see attached). At this point, it is possible to define them only in very general terms -- needless to say, these contexts will be refined, modified, added to and elaborated on as the study proceeds. 6. The project is slightly behind the schedule laid out in the original grant agreement, but there should be no trouble meeting the deadlines for submittal of the various project products. 7. I will be out of town from the 10th through the 31st of January 1998, but expect to be back at work during the first week in February. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. My office telephone number is (612) 604-0175; I can also be reached at home, (612) 633-6549, and on the internet at voge1014@tc.umn.edu. CITY OF OTSEGO HISTORIC CONTEXT DOCUMENT PRELIMINARY OUTLINE OF LOCAL HISTORIC CONTEXTS 5 January 1998 I. Early Prehistory of the Anoka Sandplain, 10,000 to 5,000 B.C. • Themes: Paleo-Indian, Early and Middle Archaic cultural traditions; early American Indian settlement and subsistence patterns on the Anoka Sandplain; archaeology. • Property types: habitation sites, resource procurement sites, lithic scatters. II. Late Prehistory of the Anoka Sandplain, 5,000 B.C. to A.D. 1650 • Themes: Middle and Late Archaic, Woodland, and Upper Mississippian cultural traditions; American Indian settlement and subsistence patterns on the Anoka Sandplain; use of the Mississippi River and floodplain; "protohistoric" native peoples; archaeology. • Property types: habitation sites, resource procurement sites, lithic and ceramic scatters, mounds and earthworks. III. Historic American Indian Tribes, 1650 to 1862 • Themes: Eastern Dakota and Ojibwe cultures; migrations and intertribal conflict; European exploration and discovery; fur trade and acculturation; Winnebago reservation; Dakota War of 1862. • Property types: habitation sites, resource procurement sites, lithic and ceramic scatters, fur trade posts, camps, trails, traditional use areas. IV. Initial Euro -American Settlement, 1852 to 1869 • Themes: immigration; settlement and subsistence patterns; pioneer- agriculture; land speculation; folk house and barn architecture. • Property types: archaeological sites; houses and outbuildings; pioneer farmsteads; ruins. V. Agriculture and the Family Farm, 1870 to 1950 • Themes: changing farming patterns; development of commercial agriculture; specialty crops; livestock; farm crises of 1870s, 1890s, 1920s; agricultural technology. • Property types: farmsteads; farm houses and outbuildings; windbreaks and shelterbelts; field patterns. VI. Transportation and Communication, 1855 to 1950 • Themes: changing route geography; trails; wagon roads; river transportation and ferries; impacts of the railroad; the Good Roads Movement; farm -to -market roads and highways; RFD and rural telephone service. • Property types: transportation corridors and structures; relict roads and trails; ferry landings; bridges; signs; post offices. VII. Postwar Urbanization, 1945-1990 • Themes: nonfarm rural development; industrial development; consumer culture; urban sprawl. • Property types: buildings, sites and structures; tract houses; recreation centers; industrial parks. VIII. Territorial Townsites, 1854 to 1860 • Themes: pioneer real estate speculation; townsites of Otsego, Potland, Waterville. • Property types: archaeological sites; gridiron street patterns; vegtation related to land use. IX. Churches and Cemeteries, 1854 to 1950 • Themes: religious institutions; rural cemeteries. • Property types: churches and parsonages; cemeteries and tombstones. X. Schools and Public Buildings, 1855 to 1990 • Themes: educational institutions; schoolhouse architecture; township government. • Property types: school buildings; township hall and related buildings. XI. Conservation and Recreation, 1933-1950 • Themes: changing soil and water conservation practices; CCC and WPA; Mississippi River corridor; sport hunting and fishing; sports culture; changing attitudes toward nature and outdoor recreation. • Property types: conservation open spaces, preserves, and parks; playgrounds and picnic areas; trailways; boat launches. XII. Geographic Features of Historical Interest • Themes: natural landmarks; cultural landscapes; relationship between people and their environment; environmental setting for historic properties. • Property types: topographic features; Mississippi River; wetlands; native woodlands and prairie. OTSEGO HISTORIC CONTEXTS BIBLIOGRAPHY (1/5/98) Andreas, A. T. Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Minnesota. Chicago: , 1874. Atlas and Farmers'Directory of Wright County, Minnesota. [St. Paul]: Webb Publishing Company, 1931. Curtiss -Wedge, Franklyn. History of Wright County, Minnesota. 2 vols. Chicago: H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1915. Reprinted, Buffalo: Wright County Historical Society, 1977. Farnham, Daniel R. D. R. Farnham's History of Wright County, Illustrated, 1880. Buffalo: Wright County Historical Society, 1976. Originally published as newspaper articles, 1880-1883. French, C. A., and Frank B. Lamson. Condensed History of Wright County: 1851-1915. Delano: Eagle Printing Co., 1935. History of the Upper Mississippi Valley, containing the Geology of the Upper Mississippi River and Saint Louis Valleys ... Minneapolis: Minnesota Historical Co., 1881. Wright County, pp. 483-585. Map of Ramsey and Hennepin Counties. With Adjacent Portions of Anoka, Wright, Carver, Scott, Dakota and Washington Counties. 1890. Printed map on file, Minnesota Geological Survey. Marshner, F. J. The Original Vegetation of Minnesota. St. Paul: North Central Forest Experiment Station, 1974. Re -draft of 1930 map. Myers, Mouraine Baker. 101 Best Stories of Wright County. Buffalo: Wright County Historical Society, 1976. The Otsego Cemetery 1854 to 1996. Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission, 1996. Otsego In the Beginning 1852 to 1880. Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission, 1996. Plat Book of Wright County, Minnesota. Minneapolis: Northwest Publishing Co., 1901. The Standard Township Map and Gazeteer of Wright County, Minnesota. Minneapolis: The Central Publishing Company, 1894. Upham, Warren. "The Geology of Wright County," in Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey, The Geology of Minnesota, Vol. II of the Final Report, pp. 242-263. St. Paul, 1882. Upham, Warren. Minnesota Geographic Names: Their Origin and Historic Significance. Reprint edition. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1969. Wright County, pp. 586-592. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Monthly Progress Report Form -- CLG Grants (CLG Grants Manual FYI 1997Attachment F) Grantee: City of Otsego Report for the Month of: December 1997 Federal Project No. 27-97-12026.003 Contact: Joy Swenson Daytime Telephone: 441-4414 1. Describe the month's progress toward accomplishing the goals of the project. Refer to "consultations" and "final products" listed in Attachment A. Following a competitive procurement process, the City accepted the proposal of Robert C. Vogel & Associates to complete the historic context study (see attached). Robert C. Vogel meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualifications standards in history and will serve as principal investigator for the project. Vogel has met with the Otsego HPC and City staff and has started archival research to develop local historic contexts. A preliminary historic context outline has been developed (see attached). 2. Is the project currently on schedule? If not, please explain why. The project is somewhat behind schedule because of the additional time required to complete the consultant procurement process. 3. Describe any significant problems encountered this month which may impede the successful completion of the project. No significant problems were encountered during the month r 4. Is the project on budget? Approximate costs incurred since the previous progress report (estimate only, including both federal and matching share). The project is on budget. To date, approximately $800 of the federal grant funds budgeted have been expended; approximately $500 of the city's matching share has been incurred, in the form of in city funds and volunteer labor. Prepared by: Robert C. Vogel Signature: G. F` PROGRESS REPORT NO. 1 L_ OTSEGO HISTORIC CONTEXT STUDY TO: Otsego HPC FROM: Robert C. Vogel, Historic Preservation Consultant DATE: 6 February 1998 This report briefly summarizes project work completed between 1 January and 31 January 1998: 1. A Monthly Progress Report Form for January 1998 has been submitted to the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) Grants Office, as required by the CLG grant agreement. 2. Local historic contexts are being developed on the basis of background information on Otsego prehistory and history. The initial research in local history sources has been completed (see attached list of sources consulted). More intensive, focused research in now underway in special collections (courthouse records, census data, air photos, etc.). 3. In February, I plan to begin reviewing the historic property inventory files of the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA), to compile a list of known historic buildings and sites in Otsego. 4. The project is on schedule and within budget. I was out of town for much of January (I had a project in Yucatan, Mexico, if you can believe it) but intend to devote 40-60 hours to project tasks in February. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. My office telephone number is (612) 604-0175; I can also be reached at home, (612) 633-6549, and on the internet at voge1014@tc.umn.edu. OTSEGO HISTORIC CONTEXTS BIBLIOGRAPHY (1/31/98) Andreas, A. T. Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Minnesota. Chicago: , 1874. Atlas and Farmers'Directory of Wright County, Minnesota. [St. Paul]: Webb Publishing Company, 1931. Curtiss -Wedge, Franklyn. History of Wright County, Minnesota. 2 vols. Chicago: H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1915. Reprinted, Buffalo: Wright County Historical Society, 1977. Farnham, Daniel R. D. R. Farnham's History of Wright County, Illustrated, 1880. Buffalo: Wright County Historical Society, 1976. Originally published as newspaper articles, 1880-1883. French, C. A., and Frank B. Lamson. Condensed History of Wright County: 1851-1915. Delano: Eagle Printing Co., 1935. History of the Upper Mississippi Valley, containing the Geology of the Upper Mississippi River and Saint Louis Valleys ... Minneapolis: Minnesota Historical Co., 1881. Wright County, pp. 483-585. Map of Ramsey and Hennepin Counties. With Adjacent Portions of Anoka, Wright, Carver, Scott, Dakota and Washington Counties. 1890. Printed map on file, Minnesota Geological Survey. Marshner, F. J. The Original Vegetation of Minnesota. St. Paul: North Central Forest Experiment Station, 1974. Re -draft of 1930 map. Myers, Mouraine Baker. 101 Best Stories of Wright County. Buffalo: Wright County Historical Society, 1976. The Otsego Cemetery 1854 to 1996. Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission, 1996. Otsego In the Beginning 1852 to 1880. Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission, 1996. Plat Book of Wright County, Minnesota. Minneapolis: Northwest Publishing Co., 1901. The Standard Township Map and Gazeteer of Wright County, Minnesota. Minneapolis: The Central Publishing Company, 1894. Upham, Warren. "The Geology of Wright County," in Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey, The Geology of Minnesota, Vol. II of the Final Report, pp. 242-263. St. Paul, 1882. Upham, Warren. Minnesota Geographic Names: Their Origin and Historic Significance. Reprint edition. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1969. Wright County, pp. 586-592. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Monthly Progress Report Form -- CLG Grants (CLG Grants Manual FYI 1997 Attachment F) Grantee: City of Otsego Report for the Month of: January 1998 1 I ' _•-._._.-.._• _ ..., ' F-, Iia i FEB - g Federal Project No. 27-97-12026.003 Contact: Joy Swenson Daytime Telephone: 441-4414 1. Describe the month's progress toward accomplishing the goals of the project. Refer to "consultations" and "final products" listed in Attachment A. The consultant has prepared a preliminary outline of local historic contexts. Archival research for context development continues in primary and secondary source materials. 2. Is the project currently on schedule? If not, please explain why. The project is on schedule. 3. Describe any significant problems encountered this month which may impede the successful completion of the project. No significant problems were encountered during the month of January. 4. Is the project on budget? Approximate costs incurred since the previous progress report (estimate only, including both federal and matching share). The project is on budget. To date, approximately $1000 of the federal grant funds budgeted have been expended; approximately $750 of the city's matching share has been incurred, in the form of in-kind staff time and volunteer labor. Prepared by: Robert C. Vogel Signature:. CITY OF OTSEGO '8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 'Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 February 11, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: ALL PERSONS WHO INTERVIEWED FOR BOARD AND COMMISSION POSITIONS IN OTSEGO FROM: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK RE: BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS BY OTSEGO MAYOR AND COUNCIL This memo is being written for your information. The Mayor and Council of Otsego appointed the following people for the following positions on Otsego's Boards and Commissions at their meeting of February 9,1998. Congratulations to all of you and welcome to the new members. PLANNING COMMISSION: Ing Roskaft - Reappointed Richard Nichols - Reappointed Gene Goenner - Reappointed HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION: Joy Swenson - Reappointed Joan Nichols - Reappointed Janet Bridgland - Reappointed from regular member to alternate EDAAC: Steve Ackerman - New Appointment PARK AND RE CS. COMMISSION: Michael Day - New Appointment Teri Kohler - Reappointed from regular member to first alternate We thank you for your volunteer work for Otsego and look forward to working with all of you. i City of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Co n fission Thursday, February 26,1995 Vice-Chair Noun Schwanbeck called the meeting to order at 6;50 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Maine Norin, Arlene Holan and Ron Black were present. Joy Swenson and Janet Bri.dgland were absent (both excused). Council Member Suzanne Ackerman attended. Robert Vogel attended. The second sentence of the seventh paragraph of the minutes of the January 22, 1995 meeting was corrected to read "The Otsego Vision Committee had donated $1290.70 for the concrete slab for this building."- RON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED OF THE JANUARY, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED, Mike Robertson had sent a memo to the commission members offering the use of a copy machine . MAINE MOVED WE ACCEPT THE COPIER TO ISP Ilii THE HERITAGE ROOM. SECONDED EY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED. Elaine said Jacqui Rough had offered to do a slide show and narrative about Otsego. naine encouraged the commission to suggest subjects to Jacqui. Elaine did an oral history interview with Loretta Jacobs Moos. Elaine and Norm did an oral history interview with CUnt Walker and received 21 pictures Robert Vogel discussed the context study. He has started to write the narrative. He explained that his report will provide the commission with a format to evaluate sites. Our job is to preserve what is significant and not to just preserve everything that is old. Robert Vogel will older The National Register bulletin for our commission at no expense to us. He suggested that we may want to have some sites designated for heritage preservation under our city ordinance rather than The National Register of Historic Places ICON MOVED THAT ELAINE ASK THE CITY FOR RMMURSEMENT OF $74,72 FOR REPRODUCTION OF THE 21 PICTURES FROM CUNT WALKER. SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CA:12RMIa. Norm gave an updated written report on sales and inventory for the "Otsego - in the Beginning" and the "Otsego Cemetery" books. The commission elected the following 1098 officers: Chair - Norm Schwanbeck Vice-Chair - lion black Secretary - Joanie Nichols Norm asked the commission to review the OHP'C Mission statement and the Bylaws as adopted March 27,1997 for discussion at the March 1998 meeting. FAM-DA MOVED THE DATE FOR. OTSEGO HERITAGE DAY BE OCTOBER, 4TH OR OCT013ER 11Th. SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED, WITH THE PREFERRED DATED BEING OCTOBER 11Th. Ron moved to adjourn, Arlene seconded. "rhe meeting adjourned at 934 PM, Respectfully submitted, 3oanie Nichols, Secretary y�- � BOOKS J� q='=r, �8 PTS Dec. 1996 Grant :From Lutheran Brotherhood Dec. 1996 Grant from Wright -Hennepin Electxic 93 "Otsego In The Beginning" books sold thru 1-22-98 @$15.00 45 "Cemetery" books sold thru 1-22-98 @$1.0.00 DISBURSEMENTS 9-25-96 Kyo - 100 "Otsego In The Beginning" books 9-X25--97 Kinko - 100 "Cemetery" books 1.1-11-97 Kinko - 51 "Otsego In The Beginning" books CURRENT CRIMIT BATANCE $500.00 500.00 1395.00 450.00 2845.00" $1354.68 613.17 804.87 $2772.72 $72.28 �tl� 1TORY Ar "Otsego In The Beginning" books @ $15.00 $645.00 e "Cemetery" books @ $10.00 430.00 $1075.0 All TMA, ASS $1147.2 This 'validates our objeotiVe, to produce books and sell at cost. We pledged that money realized .from sale of books would be used to produce additional publications of the same type, when we applied for the original grants. • fir` �p,!✓�'�4t� IN. '�W(�-�C�.�+^-,`-'� � � � *n� - ,3-.76- 98 CITY OF OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING BOOK REPORT CHANGE NOV MEETING REPORT FROM R.VOGEL ELK RIVER PARADE HERITAGE DAY TOWN HALL MINNESOTA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE AT FARIBAULT MAY15 & 16 public meeting on preservation april 23 at LITTLE FALLS NEXT MEETING24 APRIL 1998 7:00 PM AT THE CITY HALL