04-23-98 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Thursday, April 23,1998 Chair Norm Schwanbeck called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Elaine Norin, Joy Swenson, Arlene Holen were present. Ron Black was absent (excused). Alternate Janet Bridgland was absent (excused). Council Member Virginia Wendel attended. Robert Vogel attended. The second sentence of the first paragraph of the March 26,1998 minutes was changed to identify Janet Bridgland as the alternate instead of Arlene Holen and to correct the spelling of Holen. ELAINE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED OF THE MARCH, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY FRIEDA. MOTION CARRIED. Robert Vogel reported on the context study. He had two handouts, "Historic Preservation Goals and Priorities" and "Historic Context I: Prehistoric American Indians". He identified the following ten contexts that will be in the context study: Prehistoric American Indians Historic American Indians Euro American Settlements (Pioneer Period) Transportation and Communication Post War Urbanization "Suburbanization" Territorial Town sites Churches and Cemeteries Schools and Public Buildings Conservation and Recreation Geographic Features of Interest Norm reported the City Council had approved the changes in dates for the November and December 1998 OHPC meetings to November 19 and December 17. Heritage Day is scheduled October 11,1998 Norm mentioned three upcoming conferences. The Historic Preservation Conference in Faribault is May 15 and 16. Joy and Joanie wanted to go and need to fill out purchase orders and submit the reservation forms to the City. Tre Preservation Alliance of Minnesota Special Event is May 13. The Preservation Leadership Conference is June 20 through June 27 in Traverse City, Mlichigan. The last two conferences were not of general interest to the commission members. A special OHPC meeting was scheduled for June 17,1998. This allows for comments on and rewriting of the context study. The final copy must be submitted at the end of July. Norm will check the date with City Hall. Norm and Elaine discussed the city tour with Robert Vogel on the afternoon of April 23,1998. They handed out the itinerary with the route traced on the map. A copy of a memorandum from Britta Bloomberg, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, regarding remaining and upcoming grant money was distributed. FRIEDA MOVED THAT THE COMMISSION NOT APPLY FOR ANY GRANTS UNTIL OUR HISTORIC CONTEXT STUDY IS COMPLETED. SECONDED BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED. Norm assigned the following tasks and responsibilities: Historical Highlights for Otsego View and change displays at City Hall - Elaine Books, Inventory and Sales report - Frieda Heritage Day October 11 - Arlene and Joy CO -Chairs Interviews,goal 1 a month - ongoing by anybody Arlene moved to adjourn, Elaine seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. Res lly submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary 2