94-71RESOLUTION 94-71 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR ISTEA ENHANCEMENT FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Otsego adopted a Comprehensive Park and Trail System Plan in 1991 as part of the City's Park and Recreation Plan, and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has conducted a citizen survey which has indicated that walking and biking is a leisure activity enjoyed by a cross section of the population, and whereas the survey indicated popular support for further development of bike and pedestrian paths, and WHEREAS, development of improvements along with landscaping enhancements will enhance the experience of travelers following the historic and scenic Great River Road, and WHEREAS, bike lane development at the bypass lanes along CSAH39 and 42 and appropriate signing are necessary to provide a safe route for pedestrians and bikers traveling to many various points of destination along the transportation corridor, and WHEREAS, the City desires to link residential areas with parks, schools and other activity nodes through a system of bike lanes and off road bike and pedestrian paths. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: 1. The City authorizes submittal of an ISTEA Enhancements Fund application for funds necessary for the improvements. 2. The City will authorize funding of 25% of the total project costs outlined in the grant application upon ngtification of a grant award. The total project cost is estimated at $'0with the City's share at 25% equal to 3. The City shall maintain all improvements constructed for the life of the improvements which include sealcoating, crack filling, mowing, tree trimming, signing and associated work. 4. That the City will coordinate with Wright County for permission to use county road right-of-way for development of bike/ped paths, installation of signs, and other items as appropriate. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm. RESOLUTION 94-71 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR ISTEA ENHANCEMENT FUNDS CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT WHEREAS, the City of Otsego adopted a Comprehensive Park and Trail System Plan in 1991 as part of the City's Park and Recreation Plan, and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has conducted a citizen survey which has indicated that walking and biking is a leisure activity enjoyed by a cross section of the population, and whereas the survey indicated popular support for further development of bike and pedestrian paths, and WHEREAS, development of improvements along with landscaping enhancements will enhance the experience of travelers following the historic and scenic Great River Road, and Whereas, bike lane development at the bypass lanes along CSAH 39 and 42 and appropriate signing are necessary to provide a safe route for pedestrians and bikers traveling to many various points of destination along the transportation corridor, and WHEREAS, the City desires to link residential areas with parks, schools and other activity nodes through a system of bike lanes and off road bike and pedestrian paths, NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: 1. The City authorizes submittal of an ISTEA Enhancement Fund application for funds necessary for the improvements. 2. The City will authorize fimding of 25% of the total project costs .outlined in the grant application upon notification of a grant award. The total project cost is estimated at $246,100.00 with the City's share at 25% equal to $61,521.00. 3. The City shall maintain all improvements constructed for the life of the improvements which include sealcoating, crack filling, mowing, tree trimming, signing and associated work. 4. That the City will coordinate with Wright County for permission to use County road right-of-way for development of bikelped paths, installation of signs, and other items as appropriate. CITY OF OTSEGO: MORIMN F FRESKE, MAYOR AT LAINE BEAM, D. UTY CLE ONING ADM. (CIT:' SEAL)