10-22-98 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Thursday, October 22,1998 Chair Ron Black called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Elaine Norin, and Arlene Holen were present. Absent members were Norm Schwanbeck, Joy Swenson (excused), and alternate Janet Bridgland. Council Member Virginia Wendel attended. ARLENE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED. Frieda gave an updated written report on sales and inventory for the "Otsego - in the Beginning" and the "Otsego Cemetery" books. The commission discussed Heritage Day. The bus tour and Jacqui Rongli's slide show were a success. About 85 people attended. Donations totaling $79.00 were received that day. People that need to be reimbursed for expenses should submit the request to Mike Robertson. Council member Vern Heidner was unable to attend this meeting. The discussion about a scanner was tabled. The McDonald/Peavey house was discussed. Ron's vision of the entire area including parsonage, old town hall, old school and former city hall, would be for this city owned property to be for public use. RON MOVED FOR THE OHPC TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPOINT A STUDY COMMITTEE OF THE AREA TO BE MADE UP OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, OHPC AND PARK AND REC. COMMISSION MEMBERS AND OTHER INTERESTED VOLUNTEERS. SECONDED BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED. The commission discussed the historic context study. Ron suggested we may want to shift priorities from the cemetery to the McDonald house as a pilot parcel for heritage designation. Ron asked everyone to bring the context study to the November meeting and be prepared to discuss what it takes to implement the historic context recommendations. Ron will contact Minnesota Historical Society to ask for information about how to implement an historic site designation. A seminar at Dennison, Minnesota on Rural Historic Landscapes and agricultural heritage will be on October 29, 1998. Joy is interestested is attending. The OHPC members present at the meeting are unable to attend the seminar. Arlene moved to adjourn, Frieda seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM. We meet again on Thursday evening November 19, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary October 15, 1998 December 1996 - Grant from Lutheran Brotherhood " if - to " Wright -Hennepin Electric 104 'Otsego In The Beginning" books sold to date 57 "Cemetery" books sold to date 41 "Life At The Brick House" books sold to date UM" $500.00 500.00 1560.00 570.00 82.00 $3212.00 9-25-96 Kinko - Printing 100 "In The Beginning" books $1354.68 9-25-97 Kinko - Printing 100 "Cemetery"';books 613.17 11-11-97 Kinko - Reprint 51 "In The Beginning" books 804.87 9-17-98 Kinko - Print 208 "Brick House" books 355.71 $3128.43 $83.57 24 "In The Beginning" books @ $15.00 $360.00 23 "Cemetery" books @ $10.00 230.00 147 "Brick House" books @ $2.00 294.00_ $884.00 TOTAL ASSETS $967.57-f' our potential market is very limited; our objective is to sell books at "cost: Prices were set to cover actual printing costs and the free books we furnish to Historical Societies and Libraries. -)E Park Genealogical Books have "In The Beginning" and "Cemetery" books in their catalog. They previously purchased 10 of each; recently, they ordered 6 more of each. The City has billed them for $150.00 plus postage. o VcR --> October 15, 1998 OHPC BOOKS OTSEGO IN THE BEGINNING 9-21-98 Inventory 9-24-98 Mike Palmer 9-28-98 Stamped and placed in OHPC room library 10-5-98 Mailed to Park Genealogical Books 10-11-98 Heritage DAy sales 10-12-98 Arlene Holen THE OTSEGO CEMETERY 9-21-98 Inventory 9-28-98 Stamped and placed in OHPC room library 10-5-98 Mailed to Park Genealogical -Rooks 10-11-98 Heritage Day sales LIFE AT THE BRICK HOUSE 9-17-98 Original printing 9-21-98 City of Otsego display case 9-21-98 Frieda Lobeck 9-24-98 Frieda Lobeck for sale at meeting (sold Joy 2, Elaine 1, Frieda 1) 9-28-98 Free copies packaged and mailed 9-28-98 Stamped and placed in OHPC room library 10-5-98 Elaine Norin 10-5-98 Elaine Beatty 10-5-98 Jacquie Rognli 10-11-98 Heritage Day Sales 10-12-98 Arlene Holen 10-15-98 Frieda Lobeck returned unsold copies # Copies 38 -1 37 _1 36 -66 30 _5 25 -1 24 36 _1 35 _6 29 _6 23 208 -1 207 -2 205 -7 198 -17 181 -1 180 -1 179 -1 178 -1 177 -31 146 -1 145 +2 147 Amount Collected (to .date) $1455.00 15.00 75.00 15.00 $1560.00 (to date) 510.00 60-00 $570.00 (10-15-98) 4.00 (10-15-98) 8.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 62.00 2.00 $ 82.00