11-19-98 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Thursday, November 19,1998 Chair Ron Black called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Elaine Norin, Norm Schwanbeck, Joy Swenson and Arlene Holen were present. Alternate Janet Bridgland was absent. Council member Suzanne Ackerman attended. Council member Vern Heidner was also present. NORM MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 22, 1998 MEETING. SECONDED BY JOY. MOTION CARRIED. Frieda gave an updated written report on sales and inventory for the three books. A copy is attached. Vern Heidner discussed computer prices and capabilities NORM MOVED TO RECOMMEND ACQUISITION OF A COMPUTER FOR THE OHPC FOR STORAGE OF PICTURES, INFORMATION AND SCANNING PRINTS. SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED. Vern will get a few quotes. Joy will monitor this. The commission discussed Mike Robertson's letter regarding the McDonald/Peavey house. Joy had talked with Charlie Nelson with the Minnesota Historical Society. He recommended we hire a qualified architect to make recommendations. He and Joy suggested we would probably want to follow guidelines of the Secretary of Interior. JOY MOVED TO HAVE JOY CONTACT CHARLIE NELSON AT MHS TO SEE HOW TO PROCEED AND TO HAVE MIKE ROBERTSON FOLLOW UP THIS REQUEST WITH A LETTER. SECONDED BY NORM. MOTION CARRIED. The commission discussed the context study. Ron asked that we all review the OHPC City Ordinance No.94-9, particularly the section about criteria we have to apply when considering a site for historic preservation. This is for discussion at the December meeting. Suzanne asked we discuss the old town hall. Ron asked that the commission members look at it during the daylight, jot down our thoughts and discuss this at the December meeting. Norm suggested contacting visitors to Heritage Day for comments. Ron appointed a subcommittee of Joy and Arlene to draw up a list of questions to ask participants. Commission members are to call Joy or Arlene within one week with suggested questions. Norm moved to adjourn, Elaine seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. We meet again on Thursday evening December 17, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary November 18, 1998 .rteP.A-MWOTA-AIMN RECEIPTS December 1996 - Grant from Lutheran Brotherhood to to - If " Wright -Hennepin Electric 110 "Otsego In The Beginning" books sold to date 64 "Cemetery" If If " " 52 "Life At The Brick House" to DISBURSEMENTS 9-25-96 Kinko - Printing 100 "In The Beginai" book: 9-25-97 Kinko - of 100 "Cemetery" books 11-11-97 Reprint 51 "In The Beginning" books 9-17-98 Print 208 "Brick House" books - Kinko CURRENT BALANCE INVENTORY 24 "In The Beginning" books @ $15.00 22 "Cemetery" books @ $10.00 136 "Brick House" books @ $2.00 TOTAL ASSETS ACTIVI•TY SINCE LAST INVENTORY "In The Beginning" 10-15-98 Inventory 11-10-98 Payment by Park Genealogical Books "Cemetery" 10-15-98 Inventory 11-10-98 Payment by Park Genealogical Books 11-12-98 Norm Schwanbeck "Brick House" 10-15-98 Inventory 10-26-98 Dick Davis 11-5-98 Ron Black 11-5-98 Elaine Norin 11-12-98 Norm Schwanbeck $500.00 500.00 1650.00 640.00 104.00 $3394.00 $1354.68 613.17 804.87 355.71 $3128.43 $265.57 $360.00 220.00 272.00 $852.00 $1117.57 # Copies Amount Collected 24 $1560.00 90.00 $1650.00 23 $570.00 60.00 -11 10.00 22 $640.00 147 $82.00 -2 4.00 145 -1 2.00 144 -5 10-00 139 -3 6.00 136 $104.00 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission December 17, 1998 7:00 p.m. City Hall AGENDA Aproval of Minutes of prior meeting Scanner project - status Preservation district - status report New Business - �, i�..e s 1. r� �` �'�'` Al °-w- Adjourn nit 8:00