03-23-00 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Thursday, March 23, 2000 Chair Ron Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Elaine Norin, Joy Swenson and Arlene Holen were present. Norm Schwanbeck and Alternate Janet Bridgland were absent. Council member Suzanne Ackerman attended. City Planner Dan Licht also attended. The meeting scheduled for February 24, 2000 had been cancelled. ELAINE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 27, 2000 MEETING. SECONDED BY ARLENE. MOTION CARRIED. Dan Licht described the necessary criteria for and the process for designating an historic preservation district regarding the Peavey/McDonald house and old town hall site. He will attend our next meeting and bring examples and a rough outline for our project. The city council wanted our comments on the proposed remodeling of the Peavey house by the current tenant. JOY MOVED THAT AS LONG AS THE CITY IS CONSIDERING THIS AREA AS A FOCAL POINT FOR AN HISTORIC DISTRICT, NO ALTERATIONS SHOULD BE MADE TO THE HOUSE UNTIL THE LONG RANGE PLAN IS DETIRMINED. SECONDED BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED. The commission elected the following 2000 officers: Chair — Ron Black Vice -Chair — Joy Swenson Secretary — Joanie Nichols JOY MOVED TO REMOVE JANET BRIDGLAND AS AN ALTERNATE OHPC MEMBER. SECONDED BY FRIEDA. MOTION CARRIED. Frieda submitted an updated written book report. A copy is attached. Elaine wanted to discuss Heritage Day for 2000. The consensus was not to hold an event this year but to contact past attendees and request people to submit stories for our next publication about the years 1880 to 1900. Joy moved to adjourn, Frieda seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. We meet again on Thursday evening April 27, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary OHPC BOOKS February 23, 2000 RECEIPTS December 1996 - Grant from Lutheran Brothe-rhood $ 500.00 December 1996 - Grant from Wriqht Hennepin Elec. 500.00 115 "In the Beginning"books sold @ $15.00 ea 1,725.00 71 "Cemetery" books sold @:$10.00 ea 710.00 75 "Brick House" books sold @ $2.00 ea 150.00 59 "Woman in the Wilderness" books sold.@ $2'.0.0 ea 118.00 $3,703.00 DISBURSEMENTS 9/25/96 printing 100 "In the Beginning"books 9/25/97 100 "Cemetery" books 11/11/97 reprint 51 "In the Beginning" books 9/17/98 printing.208 "Brick House" books 9/28/99'. " 110 "Woman in the Wilderness" CURRENT BALANCE INVENTORY - UNSOLD BOOKS 19 "In the Beginninq" books @ $15..00 ea 15 "Cemetery" books @ $10.00 ea 113 "Brick House" books @ $2.00 ea 43 "Woman in the Wilderness" books @ $2.00 ea TOTAL ASSETS $1,354.68 613.17 804.87 355.71 161.88 $3,290.31 $ 412.69 $ 285.00 150.00 226.00 86.00 $ 747.00 $1,159.69 Activity since January 19, 2000 report Jan 19,2000 Sold 8 "Woman in the Wilderness" (Sold After I had typed report) -Elizabeth Sangster) $16.00 S&H.paid by E.Sangster $4.00 Feb MOOD Sold 1 "Woman in the Wilderness" 2.00 )Arlene Nares Feb *,2000 Sold 1 "Brick House" 2.00) Total Purchases $20:00 MARCH 20, 2000 - There was no activity so far as the sale of pu•r books was concerned,. ' Confirmed by Carol in the City Office today. eel;` Ih INVOICE Date: 4/3/2000 NATIONAL ALLIANCE of PRESERVATION COMMIISSIONS P O BOY 1605 ATHENS, GEORGIA 30603n!5}�-54? " To: Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Re: National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Membership Renewal, Federal Tax I.D. #52-1577640 Expired: 3/1/2000 NT' 1 0 2000 Thank you for your continued membership and support of the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions. The amount due for your membership is $25.00. Please verify that the information and address above are correct, and return the bottom portion of this form with yourpayment. MEMBER: Please detach bottom portion & return. Thank you! Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 DUES PAID: $25.00