05-25-00 OHPC MINCity of Otsego - Heritage Preservation Commission Thursday, May 25, 2000 Chair Ron Black called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Elaine Norin, Joy Swenson and Norm Schwanbeck were present. Arlene Holen was absent (excused). Council member Suzanne Ackerman attended. NORM MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 27, 2000 MEETING. SECONDED BY FRIEDA, MOTION CARRIED. Dan Licht prepared an outline of the process for designating an historic preservation district regarding the Peavey/McDonald house and old town hall site. Elaine is working on item 3b on the outline (the historical significance) and is trying to put information in chronological order. Norm will put information together under item 3a on the outline (physical description of area/individual properties) and will give it to Elaine, who will collect the data. Ron has the legal descriptions, PID Nos. and addresses. He handed out copies of maps and will bring the abstract of title to the next meeting. Arlene and Elaine met with Loretta Moos and started tape recording information. They plan to meet again. Loretta gave copies of pictures. ELAINE MOVED THE OHPC REIMBURSE LORETTA MOOS $23.00 FOR COPIES OF PICTURES. SECONDED BY NORM. MOTION CARRIED. Frieda submitted an updated written book report. A copy is attached. We received a thank you from the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions for renewing our membership. Norm moved to adjourn, Elaine seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. We meet again on Thursday evening June 22, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary OHPC BOOKS May 25, 2000 RECEIPTS December 1996 - Grant from Lutheran Brotherhood $ 580.00 December 1996 - Grant from Wright Hennepin Elec 500.00 115 "IN THE BEGINNING".Books sold @$15.00 ea 1,725.00 71 "CEMETERY" Books sold @$10.00 ea 710.00 76 "BRICK HOUSE" books sold @. $2.00 ea 152.00 60 "WOMAN IN THE WILDERNESS" books sold @$2.00 ea 120.00 $3,707.00 DISBURSEMENTS 9/25/96 Printing 100 -"IN THE BEGINNING books $1,354.68 9/25/97 If 100 "CEMETERY" books 613.17 11/11/97 Reprint 51 "IN THE BEGINNING" books 804.87 9/17/98 Printing 208 "BRICK HOUSE" books 355.71 9/28/99 If110"WOMAN IN THE WILDERNESS"books 161.88 $3,290.31 CURRENT BALANCE $ 416.69 INVENTORY - UNSOLD BOOKS 19 "IN THE BEGINNING" books @ $15.00 ea $ 285:00: 15 "CEMETERY" books @ $10.00 ea 150.00 112 "BRICK HOUSE" books @ $2.00 ea 224.00 42 "WOMAN IN THE.WILDERNESS" books @ $2.00 ea 84.00 $ 743.00 TOTAL ASSETS $1,159.69 Activity . May -23, 2000 one books sold to Barb Day by Elaine "WOMAN IN THE WILDERNESS" and one book "BRICK HOUSE" to Barb Day by Elaine I $2.00 $2.00 $4.00