06-22-00 OHPC MINCity- of Otsego- - Heritage Preservation Commission Thursday, June 22, 2000 Vice Chair Joy Swenson called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Joanie Nichols, Frieda Lobeck, Elaine Norin, Arlene Holen and Norm Schwanbeck were present. Ron Black was absent (excused). Council member Suzanne Ackerman attended. ELAINE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TH MAY 25, 2000 MEETING. SECONDED BY NORM. MOTION CARRIED. Frieda submitted an updated written book report. A copy -is attached. Norm submitted written physical descriptions of the McDonald/Peavey house, the school building and the Methodist Parsonage. Elaine submitted a draft of the historical significance for this area. These relate to items 3b and 3a on Dan Licht's outline of the process for designating an historic preservation district regarding the McDonald/Peavey house and old town hall site. NORM MOVED WE ALL REVIEW ELIANE'S HANDOUT AND BRING OUR NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS TO THE NEXT MEETING. SECONDED.BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED. Norm submitted a rough draft on how to inventory pictures in the heritage room and put identified pictures on the computer. Joy thought the Minnesota Historical Society and the Wright County Historical Society have a system for picture inventory and would like to check with them. ELAINE MOVED WE INVENTORY AND IDENTIFY ALLOUR PICUTRES AND PUT THEM ON THE COMPUTER. THIS MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. ELAINE MOVED JOY CHECK WITH WRIGHT COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND BRING BACK INFORMATION TO OUR NEXT MEETING ABOUT THEIR SYSTEM OF PICTURE INVENTORY AND GROUP PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. SECONDED BY JOANIE. MOTION CARRIED WITH A SPLIT VOTE. ARLENE, ELAINE, JOANIE AND JOY VOTED FOR THE MOTION, NORM VOTED AGAINST IT AND FRIEDA ABSTAINED. Elaine reported on the Heritage Room rearrangement. The desk will be moved to storage in Elaine's garage so they can finish rearranging the room. NORM MOVED WE PURCHASE THE SET OF 2 RICKER GENEOLOGY BOOKS (APPROXIMATE COST $50.00). SECONDED BY ELAINE. MOTION CARRIED WITH ELAINE, ARLENE, NORM, FRIEDA AND JOY IN FAVOR. JOANIE WAS OPPOSED. Elaine will talk with city staff and get a purchase order for the Ricker books (approved at June meeting) and to have Loretta Moos paid (approved at May meeting). ELAINE MOVED WE ATTEMPT TO STILL HOLD A HERITAGE DAY ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 7, 2000. SECONDED BY FRIEDA. MOTION CARRIED UNANAMOUSLY. Elaine will contact Judy at City Hall. Norm moved to adjourn, Elaine seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM. We meet again on Thursday evening July 27, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. -Y�W-1 �. Resp�ly submitted, Joanie Nichols, Secretary June 22, 2000 - There was no -activity in the book department so far as sale of books is concerned and was confirmed by Carol in the City Nall Office. Last sale was for $4.00 on P4ay 23, 2000 as reported in our l,qy report. Frieda Lobeck J