02-02-94 Planning Commission AgendaCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 1994 - 8PM **AGENDA** 1. Chair Swenson will call to order 2. Consideration of January 19, 1994 Minutes 3. Consider recommendation to the City Council on the Wild and Scenic Ordinance 4. Mike Potter - Discussion of the Kenneth and Margaret Zachman property in Range 24, Section 26, PID #118-800- 263200 North of Albertville and possible Rezoing to allow Subdivision (See information memo from NAC) 5. For the Planning Commission's information, we have given you a copy of a proposed Mining Ordinance to review and comment to the Council on. This item will be on the February 16,1994 Agenda of the Planning Commission, at which time Larry Koshak will be here for questions and comments. 6. Any other Planning Commission Business 7. Adjourn