06-05-96 Planning Commission AgendaCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING j JUNE 5, 1996 - 8PM *AGENDA* 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of May 15, 1996 P. C. Meeting 3. Continue HEARING from 5/15/96 Meeting Re: Amend. Ord.Re: Feedlot Operations. Consider the draft Ordinance and recommendation to the City Council addressing Animal Feedlot Operations Within the City of Otsego as follows: 1. Amending the existing Otsego Zoning Ord., General Definitions, Sec 20-2-2. deleting definitions. 2. Amending the existing Otsego Zoning Ord., General Definitions, Section 20-2-2 adding definitions. 3. Amending Sec. 20-27-4.E of the Otsego Zoning Ord. (Farm Animal Regs.) 4. Amending Sec. 20-38-1 through 20-38-12 of the Zoning Ord. Regarding Feedlot Regs. 5. Amending Sec. 20-51-5.D of the Zoning Ord. (A-1 Dist. Cond. Uses). 4. HEARING for William J and Maureen K Alden, 6263 Quale Avenue NE, Otsego, MN for Lot 2, Block 1, Christian Acres, PID #118-014-001020 for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the following: An expansion of a non -conforming use (an attached garage to be located 21' from the edge of the City Street right-of-way, not the 35' required by ordinance) 5. HEARING for S. M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. (Martin J Timmins), Owner of the property is Elk River/Rogers VFW, PID #118-500-263201, for the Ag -1 Zoned property located on Highway #101 and 72ND ST in Sec. 26, Twp. 121, Range 23. 664.45 feet of the NW quarter of the SW quarter. Request is as follows: A Conditional Use Permit to allow the following: A MINING PERMIT IN AN A-1 ZONE 6. Any other Planning Commission Business 7. Adjourn