08-07-96 Planning Commission AgendaCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 7, 1996 - 8PM *AGENDA* 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order ROLL CALL 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of : July 17, 1996 P. C. Meeting 3. HEARING - (Cont. from July 17,1996) - Richard Kincanon, 13333 - 179TH Circle, Elk River, MN for the Southeast Quadrant 85TH ST and Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN. PID #118-500-204202. Request is as follows: 1. A CUP for Commercial Outdoor Recreation (9 -hole Executive Golf Course) in an A-1, Agricultural Zoned Area. 4. HEARING - David C and Lorraine H Schroeder at 10790 - 95TH ST NE, Monticello (Otsego) MN 55362 PID #118-800-141303. Request is as follows: 1. A Conditional Use Permit to allow more than one detached accessory building and over 2,000 square feet of accessory space. S. HEARING - Initiated by the City Council and Planning Commission of Otsego. Request is as follows: 1. An Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Re: Side Yard Setbacks (In R-3 Zoning Districts) from 15 feet to 10 feet. 6. Discussion of Sign Ordinance Amendment (See Memo you already have from Bob Kirmis dated June 24, 1996 RE: Otsego -Zoning Ordinance: Business Sign Reg. 7. Any other Planning Commission Business 8. Adjourn